New items Robotics
The leaders in robotics are the Korean and Japanese designers. However, sometimes brilliant ideas come and Asian developers and designers.
But we'll start all the same with a robot that has actually operates in more than 20 schools in the South Korean metropolis Daegu. It is a robot teacher. At the moment, the state of "iron teach" is nine units, and all have the same names - EngKey and teach them is in English only. At the moment, the cost of the robot is $ 8700. But as soon as the Korea Institute of Science and Technology promises to reduce the cost by almost half and train "teachers" even more subjects.
Now flight across the Pacific Ocean in California, US. Here dwells Lonyak Jake (Jake Loniak), designed the robotic porter. Because of its small HVD sizes, and the name was given to the appropriate - Kompakt. However, the robot is able to safely move the usual three travel bags. For bulky luggage at Kompakt'a have special brackets. Moving on four wheels, each of which is hidden motor, controls the robot to find the owner by means of a light beacon. Charge it will be enough to cover the distance of 4, 5 kilometers. Avoiding obstacles carried out thanks to a laser rangefinder and a scanner.
Well, the Japanese are as always ahead of the rest. The channel Nippon News Network has been demonstrated once three robot assistant. Toshiba ApriPoco able to manage household electrical appliances and takes verbal commands. Second assistant - a table with an engine that moves depending on your needs. A third robot demanded elderly. You will see a nurse who is able to perform virtually all of what they do housewives. Well, except that in addition to endless chatter on the phone and display series :)
But we'll start all the same with a robot that has actually operates in more than 20 schools in the South Korean metropolis Daegu. It is a robot teacher. At the moment, the state of "iron teach" is nine units, and all have the same names - EngKey and teach them is in English only. At the moment, the cost of the robot is $ 8700. But as soon as the Korea Institute of Science and Technology promises to reduce the cost by almost half and train "teachers" even more subjects.
Now flight across the Pacific Ocean in California, US. Here dwells Lonyak Jake (Jake Loniak), designed the robotic porter. Because of its small HVD sizes, and the name was given to the appropriate - Kompakt. However, the robot is able to safely move the usual three travel bags. For bulky luggage at Kompakt'a have special brackets. Moving on four wheels, each of which is hidden motor, controls the robot to find the owner by means of a light beacon. Charge it will be enough to cover the distance of 4, 5 kilometers. Avoiding obstacles carried out thanks to a laser rangefinder and a scanner.

Well, the Japanese are as always ahead of the rest. The channel Nippon News Network has been demonstrated once three robot assistant. Toshiba ApriPoco able to manage household electrical appliances and takes verbal commands. Second assistant - a table with an engine that moves depending on your needs. A third robot demanded elderly. You will see a nurse who is able to perform virtually all of what they do housewives. Well, except that in addition to endless chatter on the phone and display series :)
Conceptual Korean Hyundai HCD12 Curb
And TVC excerpt from the film "Drive Angry» (Drive Angry 3D) Uncensored