Dinosaurs-city in graphics Consul Andy (Andy Council)
British illustrator creates drawings in which dinosaurs are a springboard for human habitation. In animal has its streets, houses, shops and police stations. In general, as in any town.
Consul Andy (Andy Council) lives and works in Bristol that in the south-west of England. The project with the creation of the city of dinosaurs came to a head artist by chance. Moreover, dinosaurs Andy does not look like those of extinct relatives. Is that silhouette. According to the author, the greatest influence on his style of drawing had Japanese Hayao Miyazaki and Jeff Darroch, considered one of the best masters of sketch and drawings for comic books. Obviously, Andy prefers to detail in his work.
Consul Andy (Andy Council) lives and works in Bristol that in the south-west of England. The project with the creation of the city of dinosaurs came to a head artist by chance. Moreover, dinosaurs Andy does not look like those of extinct relatives. Is that silhouette. According to the author, the greatest influence on his style of drawing had Japanese Hayao Miyazaki and Jeff Darroch, considered one of the best masters of sketch and drawings for comic books. Obviously, Andy prefers to detail in his work.