Floating life of the inhabitants of Cat Ba (Cat Ba)
People adapt to different conditions and environment. Someone living in the desert, someone - in the ice, and someone - in the jungle. On the Vietnamese island of Cat Ba town has the same name. In its coast there are entire floating village.
Cat Ba Island (Cat Ba Island) is located in North Vietnam. Almost the entire coast consists of rugged cliffs, there are a few sandy beaches, which are hidden in small bays. Previously, the town was inhabited by fishing communities only, but now it is growing rapidly, making it the commercial and tourist center. Most of the residents of Cat Ba (about 13 thousand people) live directly on the ground, in settlements located in the southern part of the island. But the life of seething not only on solid ground - on the water, there are entire villages. These people (according to rough estimates, there are about 4 million) earn their living in fishing. They build their accommodation directly in Halong Bay (Ha Long Bay). Seaside - their home.
Cat Ba Island (Cat Ba Island) is located in North Vietnam. Almost the entire coast consists of rugged cliffs, there are a few sandy beaches, which are hidden in small bays. Previously, the town was inhabited by fishing communities only, but now it is growing rapidly, making it the commercial and tourist center. Most of the residents of Cat Ba (about 13 thousand people) live directly on the ground, in settlements located in the southern part of the island. But the life of seething not only on solid ground - on the water, there are entire villages. These people (according to rough estimates, there are about 4 million) earn their living in fishing. They build their accommodation directly in Halong Bay (Ha Long Bay). Seaside - their home.