Monstrous aliens Simon Webber (Simon Webber)
British artist-sculptor is not too well known. However, his portfolio of work for films such as "John Carter," "Pirates of the Caribbean," "Cowboys & Aliens," "Thor" and many other popular pictures.
Simon Webber (Simon Webber) did not immediately come to the cinema. It's incredible great experience sculptor, painter, designer and makeup artist. This accumulated years of experience, supported by the knowledge eventually led Simon to Hollywood. He had about fifteen years collaborating with Stan Winston Studio (Stan Winston), in Los Angeles. Nevertheless, the artist-sculptor has no plans to move to North America, and continued to work remotely from his native Britain.
Simon Webber (Simon Webber) did not immediately come to the cinema. It's incredible great experience sculptor, painter, designer and makeup artist. This accumulated years of experience, supported by the knowledge eventually led Simon to Hollywood. He had about fifteen years collaborating with Stan Winston Studio (Stan Winston), in Los Angeles. Nevertheless, the artist-sculptor has no plans to move to North America, and continued to work remotely from his native Britain.