How to "hack" the toilet
Some time ago, the Japanese company has released Lixil superunitaz Satis. This marvelous machine can do everything - warm seat, perfumes the air and water, has built-in bidet, musical arrangement. Of course, ventilation and disinfection. In general, to get out of this miracle of technology is not particularly desirable. The best option - to eat and work directly from a smart friend. The more that control it - a pleasure. Filled on a smartphone with Android app My Satis - and life blossomed riot of colors.
However, not all so smoothly and the enemy never sleeps. As it turned out, all these advantages can be converted into a continuous nightmare flick of the fingers. Since "taxiing" smart toilet systems is carried out via Bluetooth, then anyone can do all the above steps, if will get the appropriate application. However, the range of the "blue tooth" limited but lovely neighbors may well make a little poltergeist happy owner of a high-tech novelties.
So it will have to pay for additional security measures. While, on the other hand, imagine the picture: I was going to, therefore, in the toilet. A password forgot. Well, che do now?