A collection of photos from the movie heroes of our childhood
How are the heroes of films from our childhood.
Alice Selezneva worked as a researcher Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named Gamalei. Studying viruses.
Pinocchio made two films of the series "Deadly Force" and forty commercials
Artemon was elected an honorary member of the Academic Council of the Business School of the University Konkordskogo in Canada for the monograph "Optimizing communication through decentralization of the company».
Pierre two clinics in Jerusalem.
Harlequin graduated from the High School of the KGB and not live in the US, it is not in the international wanted for the CIS, announced Lida district department of the Interior of the Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, on charges of misappropriation of property by deception and abuse of trust committed on a large scale (Art. 209 h. 4 of the Criminal Code).
Malvina published a collection of poems and a housewife living in Vnukovo, Vasily Stalin in the house.
Masha Startseva divorced Irish writer Gerald Michael Brown McCartney and manages the publishing house.
Petrova firm produces suspension springs for cars, and now Vasechkin choreographer group "Brilliant».
Makar Gusev finished nautical school and went into the Navy.
Syroezhkin directs the Department of Corporate Communications of the Moscow dealer of AvtoVAZ. Electronics was the representative of Norilsk in the Krasnoyarsk administration. Engaged in customs matters. Bald. Syroezhkin too bald.
Kolya Gerasimov went to live in the village and, drunk, burnt down in the bath.
Julia Gribkova works as a business consultant in Virginia
At Fima Korolyov grew huge double chin.
Alice Selezneva worked as a researcher Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named Gamalei. Studying viruses.
Pinocchio made two films of the series "Deadly Force" and forty commercials
Artemon was elected an honorary member of the Academic Council of the Business School of the University Konkordskogo in Canada for the monograph "Optimizing communication through decentralization of the company».
Pierre two clinics in Jerusalem.
Harlequin graduated from the High School of the KGB and not live in the US, it is not in the international wanted for the CIS, announced Lida district department of the Interior of the Republic of Belarus, Grodno region, on charges of misappropriation of property by deception and abuse of trust committed on a large scale (Art. 209 h. 4 of the Criminal Code).
Malvina published a collection of poems and a housewife living in Vnukovo, Vasily Stalin in the house.
Masha Startseva divorced Irish writer Gerald Michael Brown McCartney and manages the publishing house.
Petrova firm produces suspension springs for cars, and now Vasechkin choreographer group "Brilliant».
Makar Gusev finished nautical school and went into the Navy.
Syroezhkin directs the Department of Corporate Communications of the Moscow dealer of AvtoVAZ. Electronics was the representative of Norilsk in the Krasnoyarsk administration. Engaged in customs matters. Bald. Syroezhkin too bald.
Kolya Gerasimov went to live in the village and, drunk, burnt down in the bath.
Julia Gribkova works as a business consultant in Virginia
At Fima Korolyov grew huge double chin.
She returned from Africa found that in her stomach that something moves
As Valery Leontiev looks now