Law on diabetes

A lot of strange things in our world. Here, for example, with an unhealthy diet and obesity associated universal America and the struggle for a normal weight is Japan. Why are there! They even adinresurs and vertical power connected.
Two months ago, a law was passed requiring all companies and local authorities have every year to measure waist circumference to the entire population in the age range from 40 to 74 years - and this is no less than 56 million people.
The law provides for the limits of permissible waist size - 85 inches for men and 90 cm for women. International Diabetes Federation proposes to focus on the data, as the most simple and affordable in the diagnosis of this disease. By the way, the IDF standards for different ethnic groups differ - white Americans, for example, is allowed to have a volume of one hundred centimeters, but American women will have to tighten tummies compared to Japanese women - no more than eighty-eight centimeters.
Then everything is simple. Exceeded the norm - three months Welcome to the new test. And then - forced diet. Another three months - the next test - not fix - in spetszavedeniya.
Well, basically, the Japanese do not get used to carry out the directive. It is unlikely that there will be difficulties. There and financial leverage will be connected - fine intend seriously enough. So that the goals can be assured achieved. And they intend to reduce the number of people who are overweight by ten percent in the first three years and 25% - for seven years.
Japanese can understand - the nation is aging rapidly and the issue should be solved radically. That is, everything weaken Georgia financial costs of treating age-related diseases, which are as follows from the research directly related to being overweight.