The concept of creativity and creative thinking.

Creative thinking - a type of thinking characteristic of the creation of a new product and subjectively tumors in the course of the cognitive activity of its creation. These tumors related to motivation, goals, evaluations and meanings. Creative thinking is different from the process of applying knowledge and skills ready, called reproductive thinking.
Tvorchestvo- mental process of creating new values and a continuation and replacement of children's play. This activity, the result of which - the creation of new material and spiritual values.
As a matter of fact the cultural-historical phenomenon, creativity is a psychological aspect - personal and Procedure. Presupposes that the subject abilities, motives, knowledge and skills to help create a product, wherein the novelty, originality, uniqueness. The study of these personality traits revealed the important role of the imagination, intuition, unconscious components of mental activity, as well as the needs of the individual self-actualization, in discovering and expanding their creative possibilities. In the work occupies a special place creative imagination. Along with the creative imagination includes intensive work of thinking, it is permeated with emotion and will. But it is not limited to one's imagination, one thought or one feeling.