What plant knows everything?
What has a head but no brain?
(Cheese, onions, garlic.)
What is a zero?
What is the double zero?
What are three zeros?
(Bald in the toilet.)
What is four zeros?
(Two bald in the toilet.)
What are five zeros?
What is six zeros?
(Bald at the Olympics.)
What is seven zeros?
(Olympic toilet.)
What is eight zeros?
(Bald Olympic toilet.)
One eye, one horn, but not a rhinoceros?
(Cows peeking around the corner.)
What word begins with the three letters "G" and ends with the three letters "I»?
What can be done in space?
(Hanged himself.)
What is 15 cm long, 7 cm wide and is very popular with women?
(Banknote 100 $.)
In which case, six children, two dogs, four adults, climbing under one umbrella, do not get wet?
(If it does not rain.)
Eight legs, three heads and two wings. What is this?
(Vasily Ivanovich on a horse carries himself chicken for lunch.)
These three are well-known TV star for each of us. Blond name Stepan shatena name is Philip. And the name of the bald?
Do not bark, does not bite, and also called.
What: black-white, black-white, black-and-white?
(Nun tumbled from the mountain slides.)
What: black and white?
(Toilet, which stood a Negro ...)
What has a head but no brain?
(Cheese, onions, garlic.)
What is a zero?
What is the double zero?
What are three zeros?
(Bald in the toilet.)
What is four zeros?
(Two bald in the toilet.)
What are five zeros?
What is six zeros?
(Bald at the Olympics.)
What is seven zeros?
(Olympic toilet.)
What is eight zeros?
(Bald Olympic toilet.)
One eye, one horn, but not a rhinoceros?
(Cows peeking around the corner.)
What word begins with the three letters "G" and ends with the three letters "I»?
What can be done in space?
(Hanged himself.)
What is 15 cm long, 7 cm wide and is very popular with women?
(Banknote 100 $.)
In which case, six children, two dogs, four adults, climbing under one umbrella, do not get wet?
(If it does not rain.)
Eight legs, three heads and two wings. What is this?
(Vasily Ivanovich on a horse carries himself chicken for lunch.)
These three are well-known TV star for each of us. Blond name Stepan shatena name is Philip. And the name of the bald?
Do not bark, does not bite, and also called.
What: black-white, black-white, black-and-white?
(Nun tumbled from the mountain slides.)
What: black and white?
(Toilet, which stood a Negro ...)