You - a true Petersburger if:
1. Do you think that St. Petersburg - the best city in the world, although in other cities were never all that fewer Petersburg - Village and Moscow - still worse. In Moscow, you are, however, also does not have.
2. Consider yourself educated man, though barely finished 8th grade school.
3. Because of the higher education institutions you may have completed vocational school. Or driving school.
4. Walk in the dirty, worn-out shoes and torn leather jacket bought on Aprashke.
An essential attribute of your outfit - polutoralitrovye beer bottle in one hand and a cigarette stinking cheap - in the other.
5. The longest journey of your life - hour trip by train to the country.
6. Do not know where the stations are located in St. Petersburg, with the exception of the Baltic (or Finland) - because with it you go to the country.
7. Do you think that the fact that you were born in St. Petersburg puts you far above the rest and allows you to treat others arrogant and dismissive.
Consider references to the place of your birth and residence of the final, triumphant argument in the dispute, regardless of the level of culture and education of your opponent and his righteousness.
8. Do you think that all the dirt and debris in the city - from the visitors, but believe that the big city can not be clean. And in general, come in large numbers here from the village! The fact that you yourself from St. Petersburg, at best, in the third generation you prefer not to remember.
9. Be proud of the fact that St. Petersburg is called the cultural capital, though the Hermitage first and last time was in the third class of the school. The other museums were never, but you know that they are there somewhere.
10. insists on calling the front porch, despite the absence of the black staircase and incredible crap that your front.
11. The interior of your apartment differs little from the front - repair the last time you did 20-25 years ago. Between dumps wallpaper on paper, on which were pasted can read the greeting Brezhnev participants Olympics-80.
12. Think of your neighbor who has put double-glazed windows and make repairs bloodsucker bourgeois and the working people to whom you undoubtedly consider yourself, though odd jobs and temporary work. So you steal his mail out of the box and it gets dirty door.
13. you do not pay the rent, but that does not stop you angry mud on the stairs and in the yard.
14. Considers "Zenith" decent football team.
15. Do you get angry when this is read. And the fact that all this is true, you are just angry.
1. Do you think that St. Petersburg - the best city in the world, although in other cities were never all that fewer Petersburg - Village and Moscow - still worse. In Moscow, you are, however, also does not have.
2. Consider yourself educated man, though barely finished 8th grade school.
3. Because of the higher education institutions you may have completed vocational school. Or driving school.
4. Walk in the dirty, worn-out shoes and torn leather jacket bought on Aprashke.
An essential attribute of your outfit - polutoralitrovye beer bottle in one hand and a cigarette stinking cheap - in the other.
5. The longest journey of your life - hour trip by train to the country.
6. Do not know where the stations are located in St. Petersburg, with the exception of the Baltic (or Finland) - because with it you go to the country.
7. Do you think that the fact that you were born in St. Petersburg puts you far above the rest and allows you to treat others arrogant and dismissive.
Consider references to the place of your birth and residence of the final, triumphant argument in the dispute, regardless of the level of culture and education of your opponent and his righteousness.
8. Do you think that all the dirt and debris in the city - from the visitors, but believe that the big city can not be clean. And in general, come in large numbers here from the village! The fact that you yourself from St. Petersburg, at best, in the third generation you prefer not to remember.
9. Be proud of the fact that St. Petersburg is called the cultural capital, though the Hermitage first and last time was in the third class of the school. The other museums were never, but you know that they are there somewhere.
10. insists on calling the front porch, despite the absence of the black staircase and incredible crap that your front.
11. The interior of your apartment differs little from the front - repair the last time you did 20-25 years ago. Between dumps wallpaper on paper, on which were pasted can read the greeting Brezhnev participants Olympics-80.
12. Think of your neighbor who has put double-glazed windows and make repairs bloodsucker bourgeois and the working people to whom you undoubtedly consider yourself, though odd jobs and temporary work. So you steal his mail out of the box and it gets dirty door.
13. you do not pay the rent, but that does not stop you angry mud on the stairs and in the yard.
14. Considers "Zenith" decent football team.
15. Do you get angry when this is read. And the fact that all this is true, you are just angry.