Management "K" closed 100 sites.
As part of the commemoration of the International Day of Internet security roundtable "Threats to the person and society from the Internet, the situation in Russia" in Moscow on 6 February, the Deputy Head of Department of "K" the Russian Interior Ministry, Anton Kuznetsov has summed up the results of activity of the department.
For the last year of the "K" was closed more than 100 Internet-resources area - Ru, containing prohibited by law, information. Of these, 28 Internet resources - for spreading extremist information aimed at inciting racial, ethnic or other hatred. Also it suspended the activities of 27 sites that contain personal information or libelous.
Employees of this department also closed 24 sites distributing counterfeit. Through the efforts of the "K" in the past year it has suppressed the activity of 53 Internet resources popnograficheskie distributing materials involving minors.
According to Anton Kuznetsov, "despite all the progress, talk about the victory over the" aggressive "content is premature." At the same time, he downplayed the danger you'll ever need. "The Russian segment of the Internet - not the most dangerous to the user," - he said.
According to him, the dominant Western media view that the Russian segment of the Internet is the focus of prohibited materials, including child popnografii, unfounded. From received over the past year the Office of "K" 995 inquiries on the existence in RuNet child popnografii only 4, 5% is really confirmed, and the rest were out of the zone. RU. However, he stressed that to say that in Russia there is no problem of child popnografii, we can not, and need to make every effort to deal with this very serious crime.
According to Anton Kuznetsov, in 2007 it is planned to pay special attention to the domestic network, where there is a greater likelihood of the spread of counterfeit goods.