Very tough accident. Be careful on the roads!
Accidents and incidents
Thousands of Britons were left without electricity due to the storm (6 photos)
Be careful on the road!
A terrible accident (5 photos)
Vehicle Vice-Governor Alexei Sergeyev had an accident.
Accident involving about 100 cars in Austria (20 photos)
A terrible accident in a tunnel near Antwerp, Belgium (35 photos)
The accident on the Garden 16.01.2008
Accidents and curiosities with heavy transport (58 photos)
Truck accident in Donetsk (32 photos)
Accidents and incidents
Thousands of Britons were left without electricity due to the storm (6 photos)
Be careful on the road!
A terrible accident (5 photos)
Vehicle Vice-Governor Alexei Sergeyev had an accident.
Accident involving about 100 cars in Austria (20 photos)
A terrible accident in a tunnel near Antwerp, Belgium (35 photos)
The accident on the Garden 16.01.2008
Accidents and curiosities with heavy transport (58 photos)
Truck accident in Donetsk (32 photos)
The largest cruise ship in the world Freedom of the Seas
Snowfall in Vladivostok (photo)