Unknown details of the scandalous Eurovision-2007

May 3 after a Moscow press conference the pop group "Silver", which this year will represent our country at "Eurovision" contest, there are too many questions that arose at me later, when I was trying to figure out what kind of group is and what to plant around a mystery.
On the group "Silver" all learned in February, when there was a rumor that was not going to Helsinki one of our popular artists, and a whole new project of producer Maxim Fadeev, almost created for this competition. It was known that in this group of three soloist, one of them - Lena Temnikova - ward Fadeev since the days of "American Idol 2", in which she participated. On the other girls did not extend to information virtually.
Reporters hurried to know about the "silver" as much as possible. Olya Seryabkina told that before, "Silver" worked as a dancer and a singer Irakli bekvokalistkoy and was familiar with Lena Temnikova, which recommended her Fadeyev. And Marina Lizorkin told a fantastic story that responded to an ad for a soloist on the Internet, came to the office to the producer, he looked at her and asked for a video of her singing. Then resourceful Marina immediately, without leaving the door producer, recorded on your phone and left him "at the reception" Later, she dialed her phone, and she said Max, he said that everything is in order, he liked the video. Apparently, the phone model Marina was very advanced, since the producer was able to see the video phone talented actress, a decent hit in his group. Delight.
In my basic question: "When was your group formed?" The girls somehow did not find the answer. They were silent, then Lena Temnikova said that they can not answer, and later they remembered that the group was formed about a year ago, in "February or January." With that, all press releases were written that year group. Why are girls so long remembered how much time there is a project "Silver"? I asked who is engaged with them singing and choreography. Soloists responded that no one they rely on throughout his producer Max Fadeev. A song that the girls will perform at the "Eurovision", they first heard two weeks before the 8th of March. The "Women's Day" it was announced the decision of the expert council. I am very sorry that it is not right to ask the singers realized what they were doing in the group for a year? It is hoped that sang some other songs that we have not yet shown.
It is not clear yet why Maxim Fadeev releasing group at "Eurovision" if it wanted to start only next year. I producer has forbidden him to call because the phone is your it did not give me ... "That's when I'll give you my number, then call," - said to me, Maxim in the early stories about the "Eurovision - 2007" when I tried to get information about "Silver". At the press conference it was not there. But with some other journalists, he still speaks. In an interview with Artur Gasparyan from "MK", he said that he telephoned the director of music broadcasting of Channel One Yuriy Aksyuta and asked for anything to show. Max showed a demo of the song that was ready. A council of experts decided to send this song on "Eurovision". By the way, Yuri said at the press conference that the competition itself - is a kind of public relations for a new actor to be properly used.
More Aksyuta admitted that "Eurovision" no one is going, so you have to look for beginners. Our artists do not want to go to the competition, even if they call and beg ... However, this issue seems to be the most critical in the history with the competition. After all, there is no ordinary viewers of the First Channel of artists, performers "Russia" channel or channel MUZ-TV and MTV. For them there are singers, singers, groups that are engaged in the work of someone with talent more, some less. And these simple viewers, which millions do not understand why Yuri has to someone to call and ask when there is a huge number of groups who want to travel. But nobody calls them and does not offer anything. This narrow circle of journalists is clear that the "Eurovision" - is a PR for the young artist, and a priceless PR, just to give it unreasonable. A viewer is still on the PR, because the viewer wants to see his country finally won the "Eurovision". And it just so happened that for many years Russia and the novel "Eurovision" this desire has become almost a national idea.
What if the advisory council chose this group of "Silver", that does not mean it's the best there is in Russia. This group has all the same rides, TV show "Eurovision - 2007" we still see everything. This match we will have it for the "Silver". At the press conference said the girl loudly that they were going to Helsinki, "get high." Olga Seryabkina Lena Temnikova Marina Lizorkin, we are waiting for you to win.
In the final meeting with the press, one journalist asked the girls what they would do if they lose. Everyone who was in the audience laughed.