Coffin Exhibition in Hong Kong
Specific Art Exhibition started today in Hong Kong, where guests are presented on a review various types of coffins. According to local media, the goal of "funeral exhibition" - to destroy the taboo associated with death, and to engender a more friendly fashion for a funeral.
The exhibits collected from all parts of the world, from Canada to South Korea. Among them are traditional coffins, and a mini-coffins for pets. The favorite of the exhibition, besspopno, is a high-tech coffin with the LCD screen on the lid, losing in the closed position and showing music videos. All in all, in the Chinese city presented 20 kinds of coffins affecting their originality and violate generally accepted idea of a funeral as something gloomy.
"Coffins and burial is still taboo for many people, very few people speak of death", - he explained the reason for organizing the exhibition Sham Gary (Gary Sham), operating in one of the main funeral city. On the exposed coffins, however, can only admire, because, according to the organizers, all of them are created to order for existing customers.
By the way, similar exhibitions held recently begun. The world's first exhibition was deathly in 2003 in Britain. She also presented interesting items - such as a coffin for lovers of skiing.
Great demand coffins made of corrugated cardboard. For their production requires less time and energy, as well as
significantly reduced emissions of toxic gases during the cremation.
Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food of Hong Kong
He said that "ecological coffin coincides with the Asian concept of integration between
man and nature. »
A source

The exhibits collected from all parts of the world, from Canada to South Korea. Among them are traditional coffins, and a mini-coffins for pets. The favorite of the exhibition, besspopno, is a high-tech coffin with the LCD screen on the lid, losing in the closed position and showing music videos. All in all, in the Chinese city presented 20 kinds of coffins affecting their originality and violate generally accepted idea of a funeral as something gloomy.
"Coffins and burial is still taboo for many people, very few people speak of death", - he explained the reason for organizing the exhibition Sham Gary (Gary Sham), operating in one of the main funeral city. On the exposed coffins, however, can only admire, because, according to the organizers, all of them are created to order for existing customers.
By the way, similar exhibitions held recently begun. The world's first exhibition was deathly in 2003 in Britain. She also presented interesting items - such as a coffin for lovers of skiing.
Great demand coffins made of corrugated cardboard. For their production requires less time and energy, as well as
significantly reduced emissions of toxic gases during the cremation.

Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food of Hong Kong
He said that "ecological coffin coincides with the Asian concept of integration between
man and nature. »
A source