Girl Abramovich bought the most scandalous singer of our time for $ 2 million

Good companion found himself Abramovich - at least on the same activities as he is. Dasha Zhukova, who became famous as a successful designer, takes on a new project - the opening of an art gallery in Moscow. And that no one was bored, to the delight of fans mix «sex-drugs-rock'n'roll» Dasha brings to the capital the most scandalous singer - triumphant "Grammy Award-2008" Amy Winehouse.
Performer absolute hit «Rehab», partly reflecting its frantic and loudly discussed lifestyle, Amy Winehouse (Amy Winehouse) will perform in Moscow this summer, probably in June. According to rumors, for performing their songs at a private event, which can be called "pre-opepingom 'new Center for Contemporary Culture, Amy will receive $ 2 million. This makes it a "cool" like Jennifer Lopez and Christina Aguilera, who received a substantial fee for their private address to the Russian oligarchs.
According to the plans, the party will take place at night, in a building from 1920 is usually a bus garage. Now it becomes in modern art gallery, which will be officially opened to the public until September.
British soul singer Amy Winehouse, her shocking often reaching to the brink of a foul, the last award ceremony "Grammy" has received just five statuettes. The song «Rehab» was recognized as record of the year and without a doubt this hit Amy must perform in Moscow.
Despite the scandal, and the original image of the singer, the public interest in it every day is increasing rapidly. Congenial this talented British «freak-girl» was also a famous designer Roberto Cavalli. To the surprise of many, Cavalli has recently proposed to 24-year-old singer to become a "walking advertisement" of its brand by signing a contract. Now Amy will be free until the end of life to get the best stuff from designer collections in return for demonstration outfits in public.
In turretless Miss Winehouse inspired and other masters of creativity - Karl Lagerfeld. "Great hoaxer" recently admitted that in the creation of his fall collection for the house Chanel drew ideas from the style of the singer.
By the way, Mr. Abramovich in every way helps his lover. Well-known collector of luxury real estate and luxury yachts suddenly switched to art objects. And it is hardly accidental.
It became known that he had already purchased at recent auctions Sotheby's and Christie's top lots of trades - painting of Francis Bacon "Triptych" and the work of the grandson of Sigmund Freud - Lucian Freud's "Sleeping Supervisor benefits." The total value of the paintings purchased by Roman Abramovich, is equal to 120 mln. Dollars.