41, Halle Berry starred in Blatant Advertising SPIRITS
41-year-old actress Halle Berry took part in the shooting for the advertising campaign of the new fragrance from the perfume giant Coty. The shooting took place in Hawaii. The actress, who recently gave birth, was in a white transparent dress and white bathing suit and looked fine.
As told Berry, she participated in the creation of the fragrance that is. Actress at home mixing different scents, as always wanted to create a fragrance that would express her personality. According to Berry, working with Coty perfume in the creation became a new stage in her career.
"Halle - iconic actress, a symbol of beauty for many generations - said senior vice president Steve Mormoris Coty. - It is able to give a new meaning to the "star" of perfume. Halle has always been a little more mysterious and not as open as some other celebrities. The fragrance will allow it to show the fans a different side of his soul. "