Battery exploded (4 photos)
10 cans of cucumbers exploded, all because I added this leaf on the advice of my neighbor.
Universal multi-size battery
Neodymium battery
Scientists have created a battery that can 12 years
What to do if not charging laptop battery?
10 Mystery of historical finds, which is still not solved
What kind of animal "Needle"
6 facts about historical artefacts, whose destiny we can not understand
6 historical artifacts, the purpose of which is unknown
How to check the battery without a tester
The first attacks in the USSR (7 pics + video)
Explosions in the Pskov service station
The case of 89-m
Prokhorovskaya battle
Heavy cruiser "Prinz Eugen" (12 photos)
Why people can live in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Chernobyl - no
6 unsolved science findings (21 photos)
The three most "green" apps for Android
Surprising findings (18 photos)
Batteries will become "smarter"
Why old age comes, or what is the essence of Taoist alchemy
RFID tags and beacons do not allow to forget or lose things. Selection of Medgadgets
Ruslan Narushevich: the man is Not merged in the toilet Your best years!
10 cans of cucumbers exploded, all because I added this leaf on the advice of my neighbor.
Universal multi-size battery
Neodymium battery
Scientists have created a battery that can 12 years
What to do if not charging laptop battery?
10 Mystery of historical finds, which is still not solved
What kind of animal "Needle"
6 facts about historical artefacts, whose destiny we can not understand
6 historical artifacts, the purpose of which is unknown
How to check the battery without a tester
The first attacks in the USSR (7 pics + video)
Explosions in the Pskov service station
The case of 89-m
Prokhorovskaya battle
Heavy cruiser "Prinz Eugen" (12 photos)
Why people can live in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Chernobyl - no
6 unsolved science findings (21 photos)
The three most "green" apps for Android
Surprising findings (18 photos)
Batteries will become "smarter"
Why old age comes, or what is the essence of Taoist alchemy
RFID tags and beacons do not allow to forget or lose things. Selection of Medgadgets
Ruslan Narushevich: the man is Not merged in the toilet Your best years!
Fat kills (4 photos)
Photographer works Javiera Vallhonrata