Vietnamese defense against invasion (23 photos)

Cu Chi (Cu Chi) - rural area about 70 kilometers north-west of Saigon, which has become a pain in the ass, first the French and then the Americans. That is the case when "the earth was burning under the boots of the occupiers." Defeat the local guerrillas did not succeed, despite the fact that close to their base housed an entire American division (25th Infantry), and a rather big part of the 18th Division of the army of South Vietnam. The fact that the guerrillas had dug a network of tunnels multilevel total length of over 200 kilometers, with a lot of disguised outcrops, foxholes, bunkers, underground workshops, warehouses and barracks, on top of densely covered with mines and traps.

A large group can book a guided bus tour involves active participation of tourists in what is happening. For example, can offer to find the camouflaged entrance to a tunnel on a small patch in the jungle, and then - to squeeze into the hatch.

Surprisingly, it is generally quite possible, even quite large crawls western tourists, though with difficulty. Silos brought to the surface, and flat roofs are replaced by high-rays, so that it is spacious enough for a comfortable scrutiny of the dummies in the form of Viet Cong guerrillas in depicting natural habitat.

Like so much else, the metal was a terrible deficit, so the guerrillas collected numerous unexploded bombs and shells (there are on a tiny patch of dumped some absolutely incredible amount, jungle carpet bombing from B-52s just pulled down, turning the district into a lunar landscape), sawn , the explosives were allowed to manufacture self-made mines ...

... And reforge metal spikes and spears for the traps in the jungle.
In addition to the workshops, were dining room, kitchen (with a specially arranged external smokeless hearth, a place not to issue a column of smoke cooking), a workshop for making form ...

... And, of course, room for political information.

And tunnels. The three-tier system of tunnels secretly carved in hard clay soil with primitive tools by numerous groups of three or four people. One digs one pulls the ground from the tunnel to the vertical shaft, one picks it up, and another drags somewhere and hide under leaves or throws into the river.

When the team makes its way to the neighbor, is inserted into the vertical shaft for ventilation tube thick hollow bamboo stem, shaft fall asleep and bambuchinu top camouflage under a mound, a stump or something else.

Americans used to search for tunnels entrances and ventilation shafts dogs. Then there began to hide the shape of a trophy, usually jackets M65 which Americans often cast in the provision of first aid and evacuate the wounded. Dogs sensed the familiar smell, took him for his own and ran past.

If the input is still found, it tried to pour water or run back tear gas. However, multi-level system of locks and water locks fairly reliably protected tunnels: lost only a small segment, the guerrillas just rained the walls on both sides and forget about its existence, eventually pulling out a workaround.

Since numerous attacks and the bombing did not bring the desired result, the Americans finally had to crawl under the earth itself. The Tunnel rats, "tunnel rats," recruited low desperate guys finished with one gun to go into the unknown, where they waited for not giving breathing distress, darkness, mines, traps, poisonous snakes, scorpions, and after all this, if you're lucky - evil guerrillas.

Now sixty-meter tunnel widened and lit, so that the tourists could squeeze through. Even they have to move in the eternal poluprisyadi while scratching the wall of the hips, elbows, shoulders and head. It's like running in endless tables.

Jungle in the Cu Chi were fraught with many unpleasant surprises, from the already mentioned mines, which undermined even tanks, like this M41 to the cinema famous homemade traps, some of which can be seen near.

"Tiger Trap". There is currently Ji Ai quietly, suddenly the ground beneath his feet, he yawns and falls to the bottom of the pit studded clubs. If he was not lucky and he did not die immediately, and would scream in pain, will bring together a number of his comrades, trying to pull the accident. Needless to say, around traps in several locations of the tunnels made outcrops on camouflaged sniper position?

Or, more humane traps, "Vietnamese souvenir". There comes a soldier on an inconspicuous hole, covered with a piece of paper on top of the leaves ...

The foot falls, it pierces the bottom of the pin, the pins on the sides not only pierced, but do not give to pull out. As a rule, the soldiers did not die, but the result was deprived of his feet, and then to give lessons in Saigon Hospital of foot pins on the memory. Hence the name.
The next couple of pictures show a similar structure.

As you have probably noticed, special attention was given not only the task to pierce the foe, but pinned to the place, do not let off the hook. It is this "basket" placed in flooded rice fields or rivers, hiding under the water. Paratrooper jumps from a helicopter or boat, OPA! - Arrived ...
However, it happens that the task was not hurt, and nafig dunk. Then we set here are grindilka where Ji Ai quickly stuffed itself under its own weight.

Well, the simple, reliable and popular design in the industry. Since flies much faster than the "home" problems with the two halves is no longer necessary. So sweep. Gido she like best.

For those who like to enter the house without knocking, knocking a valiant blow the door, hung over it here such a device. Sluggishness sent immediately to the light, quick time to put forward machine - for the bottom half of the trap was hung on a separate loop. So quick, in the words of a Vietnamese guide, then went to Thailand's paradise transvestites.

Vietnamese dungeon:

A source