Children with disabilities and their furry friends
Scientific staff Murmansk study the phenomenon of therapeutic effect of interaction of children with animals. For children confined to a wheelchair and with very serious disorders of the nervous system have been specially selected five dogs with a soft and friendly temperament. Doctors believe that communication with pets will be for children with disabilities a powerful impetus for the development of their social behavior. Unlike Western countries, in Russia the program to integrate disabled people and social adaptation in the field of education and employment is only just beginning to occupy its proper place. According to government officials and human rights groups, about 50,000 people with disabilities are educated at home. 70,000 are enrolled in special schools and boarding schools. But, according to Oleg Smolin, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Science and Education, 0000 20 disabled children in Russia receive no education at all. The main work on the socialization of children takes place directly in the classroom. For many children, the very fact that he leaves the house, goes to school, where he was waiting for communication with the dog, it becomes very important.