A simple bird test that will help you develop intellectual abilities
Honestly, looking at this picture, what were your first actions? Now ask yourself the following question: Do you often blindly trust the information received and do not try to find confirmation or denial? Our modern world is full of all kinds of information. With the development of artificial intelligence, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish real events from fictional ones on the Internet. And today it is very important to learn and teach your children to correctly analyze incoming information. Development of intellectual abilities It is one of the key knowledge that should be given time throughout life. Editorial "Site" I have prepared for you a selection of simple but effective ways to develop intelligence in both adults and children.
Peels Intelligence is a complex system that includes memory, thinking, sensation and perception, imagination and representation. The development of intelligence gives a person the ability to adapt in any life situations, psychologically resistant to accept new. And, in order to develop high intelligence, it is enough to perform simple exercises. And the most important thing is to teach these exercises to children so that they can apply them in their lives as early as possible.
The development of intellectual abilities - a guarantee of health and success The first exercise is spending time in silence and peace. All day long we are in the flow of information and events. Our brain is very tired and it also needs time to rest. But returning home, we again plunge into the cycle of information: reading news on the Internet, watching social networks or TV. Find 15-20 minutes of time, turn off all gadgets and devices and just stay quiet. Ask your family not to disturb you at this time, but rather when you spend time together in silence. This exercise will help relieve the brain from the constant flow of information, to rethink everything that happened in a day. This is when you may have new ideas or solutions to a problem.
The second exercise is a clear schedule of the day and enough time to sleep. Sleep is a medicine for our entire body. During sleep, the psyche and all processes in our body are restored. It is best to fall asleep between 22 and 23 hours. After a week of such regular sleep, you will notice how easier it became to get up in the morning, improve mood and performance for the whole day.
The third exercise is journaling. A million thoughts and plans run through our heads in a day. And if they are not fixed on paper, they can disappear. So you can forget about some important business or meetings. Make a habit of writing down everything that happened to you during the day. This will help relieve the brain and make it easier to sleep. Also, this habit trains the ability to briefly and essentially express their thoughts. It is important to record both the positive and negative moments of the day. This will make it easier to find a way out of difficult situations and analyze your behavior.
It is very important to ensure proper intellectual development in children The fourth exercise is reading books and educational games. Such classes will help you replenish your vocabulary, learn how to correctly convey your thoughts. All the wisdom of the world is hidden in books, so if you want to learn something new, read at least 15 minutes a day. Developing games train memory, logical thinking and ingenuity, building causal relationships.
The fifth exercise is to learn to draw. Through drawing, our brain uses two hemispheres at once. Imagination, spatial thinking, memory develop. Drawing is a great way to calm down, relax, put your thoughts in order. Choose materials that you are comfortable working with. It could be paint or pencils. It doesn’t matter what you paint, it’s the process.
The sixth exercise is self-education and continuous learning. Our brains function as long as they receive new information. It is thanks to learning that our intelligence, the ability to remember, to search for the necessary information develops. It is also a great opportunity to meet new interesting people. Find a hobby or change jobs and professions.
The seventh exercise is physical activity. You need to load not only the brain, but also your muscles. During physical education, our body is saturated with oxygen, the body receives a surge of strength and energy. It is enough to do exercises in the morning or run. This exercise develops discipline and self-control, helps to rest from mental activity. Collectively, mental and physical training will provide you with full intellectual development.
Peels This is not all exercises for the development of intellectual abilities. But if you take it as a habit to perform at least these seven - you already have every chance to live a long and happy life filled with bright events and emotions.

Peels Intelligence is a complex system that includes memory, thinking, sensation and perception, imagination and representation. The development of intelligence gives a person the ability to adapt in any life situations, psychologically resistant to accept new. And, in order to develop high intelligence, it is enough to perform simple exercises. And the most important thing is to teach these exercises to children so that they can apply them in their lives as early as possible.
The development of intellectual abilities - a guarantee of health and success The first exercise is spending time in silence and peace. All day long we are in the flow of information and events. Our brain is very tired and it also needs time to rest. But returning home, we again plunge into the cycle of information: reading news on the Internet, watching social networks or TV. Find 15-20 minutes of time, turn off all gadgets and devices and just stay quiet. Ask your family not to disturb you at this time, but rather when you spend time together in silence. This exercise will help relieve the brain from the constant flow of information, to rethink everything that happened in a day. This is when you may have new ideas or solutions to a problem.

The second exercise is a clear schedule of the day and enough time to sleep. Sleep is a medicine for our entire body. During sleep, the psyche and all processes in our body are restored. It is best to fall asleep between 22 and 23 hours. After a week of such regular sleep, you will notice how easier it became to get up in the morning, improve mood and performance for the whole day.

The third exercise is journaling. A million thoughts and plans run through our heads in a day. And if they are not fixed on paper, they can disappear. So you can forget about some important business or meetings. Make a habit of writing down everything that happened to you during the day. This will help relieve the brain and make it easier to sleep. Also, this habit trains the ability to briefly and essentially express their thoughts. It is important to record both the positive and negative moments of the day. This will make it easier to find a way out of difficult situations and analyze your behavior.

It is very important to ensure proper intellectual development in children The fourth exercise is reading books and educational games. Such classes will help you replenish your vocabulary, learn how to correctly convey your thoughts. All the wisdom of the world is hidden in books, so if you want to learn something new, read at least 15 minutes a day. Developing games train memory, logical thinking and ingenuity, building causal relationships.

The fifth exercise is to learn to draw. Through drawing, our brain uses two hemispheres at once. Imagination, spatial thinking, memory develop. Drawing is a great way to calm down, relax, put your thoughts in order. Choose materials that you are comfortable working with. It could be paint or pencils. It doesn’t matter what you paint, it’s the process.

The sixth exercise is self-education and continuous learning. Our brains function as long as they receive new information. It is thanks to learning that our intelligence, the ability to remember, to search for the necessary information develops. It is also a great opportunity to meet new interesting people. Find a hobby or change jobs and professions.

The seventh exercise is physical activity. You need to load not only the brain, but also your muscles. During physical education, our body is saturated with oxygen, the body receives a surge of strength and energy. It is enough to do exercises in the morning or run. This exercise develops discipline and self-control, helps to rest from mental activity. Collectively, mental and physical training will provide you with full intellectual development.

Peels This is not all exercises for the development of intellectual abilities. But if you take it as a habit to perform at least these seven - you already have every chance to live a long and happy life filled with bright events and emotions.
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