Why you can never be offended by your own mother, and especially accumulate resentment

Parents abuse children unintentionally. They always “wish them well” and want it to be “good.” But it doesn't make it any easier. There is not a single person in the world who puts his hand on his heart and thinks hard and swears that he does not hold resentment against his mother or father. There will always be a memory of when, as a child, I felt a bitter taste of disappointment. And if a person is talking about him now, then he has not forgiven his relatives so far.

Today's edition. "Site" They wonder if they should be offended by their parents.

It is bad when children are not given due attention. By their busyness and indifference, parents hurt their children. But overprotection, intrusiveness and constant control can also be harmful. Here you need a middle ground, which should be followed. If a small carapuse instantly switches and forgets his offense, the older guys are able to keep it deep in the soul for a long time, sometimes not realizing what is eating them.

Since childhood, I dream of meeting friends who will not be able to remember a single resentment hidden on relatives. Among them, most often daughters and sons are offended by their mother and father. They, in turn, also make claims to their offspring, which, by the way, they themselves raised. But this does not affect the lives of adults, but children’s grievances can negatively affect the future of the child and his mental health.

Average families in which parents abuse children can be considered, at first glance, quite prosperous. Only there are sometimes unbalanced individuals with an inferiority complex and low self-esteem. Why is this happening? It all begins with the mother’s “don’t get in, you are still small”, “don’t run, or you will fall”, “you can’t do it yourself”, “let me do it myself”, “step back and don’t interfere” and the like.

At the same time, most fathers limit their participation in family life and raising children to earning money and providing material support for its members. But not everything is measured by money. Adults often pay off gifts from the child, which he, of course, is glad. But most of all, the baby needs love and affection, and toys, even very expensive, can not give this.

Psychologists compare the appearance of a child to a lottery: the lucky one is the one who is lucky with his parents. But everyone knows that most of the participants of the draw, who are guided by fate or chance, find themselves with nothing. You have to accept the fact that it's your mom and dad. They are what they are and they cannot be different. Mother and father love you, but in their own way. Often, they transfer to their family the model of behavior that they borrowed from their ancestors. It's a closed circle, and it's very difficult to get out of it. It is a pity that the realization of the tragedy of the situation sometimes comes only in old age.

Parents are not chosen. Although there is a legend among the people, according to which the soul of the baby itself determines who is destined to become his mother and father. She looks at couples from heaven and decides which of them should have a baby. At the moment when a happy woman in labor presses the newborn to her chest, he is burning with a desire to tell the whole world his wonderful story. God does not allow us to reveal his secret. He touches the baby’s mouth with his finger, he forgets everything and is silent. And above the upper lip at each crumb in memory of the divine touch remains a small dimple.

The worst thing you can do is hurt a loved one. Mom's out of competition! Whether the connection with her is stronger, or the demand from her is increased, but the mother has a hard time. And daughters resent her more often and can not forgive longer. Girls are not equal in this matter! The older the girls get, the deeper the gap between them. The problem is exacerbated by the lack of trust. In this situation, one should either not react to the words and actions of the mother, or learn to forgive, because resentment is not grape wine, it does not become sweeter from prolonged aging.

Resentment against relatives is important to get rid of. How you do it, forgive it, forget it or take it for granted is your own business. But if you don't solve it now, it will continue to poison your cloudless life. Do you think you need this?


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