When Natalia went abroad, leaving her five-year-old daughter to her grandmother, she did not know what her decision would turn out for the girl.

People are often led by dependent behavior. The tendency to social deviation and the formation of various dependencies develops at an early age. At risk are children who were deprived of parental love and care, as well as those children who grew up in dysfunctional families or had an inappropriate role model.

And today's edition. "Site" He will tell you how children can grow up who lacked love and care in childhood.

Abnormal behavior is not always pronounced. The person may not have a serious addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling or smoking tobacco, but he may have an increased craving for food, adrenaline rushes, sedatives and the like. Even if there is absolute certainty that you do not experience any “weaknesses”, no one can insure you against emotional dependence on another person.

Emotional addiction is sometimes confused with love. It is very difficult for a person who is involved in such a relationship to explain that these are not sublime feelings, but a painful need to be close to an object to which he feels a strong attachment.

With a similar problem faced my friend Natalia. In her youth, she divorced her husband because they did not agree on characters. The woman left her five-year-old daughter Vika to raise her mother, and she went to work in Portugal. The grandmother loved and spoiled her granddaughter, but the baby missed her mother very much. The girl cried constantly, but the mother did not come, but only sent money and gifts.

Six years later, the woman flew home, but the grown-up daughter treated her with wariness. It took the child a few days to get used to his mother. No sooner had they established a mutual understanding, as Natalia again flew to a foreign country. She was able to visit her family every six months.

In high school, Victoria began befriending a boy named Nikita. After high school, they started dating. It was Vicki's first love. Then she entered the institute and went to study in another city. Young people saw each other less often, there were more disagreements between them. The girl was very worried after each quarrel and was looking for a reason to reconcile with the guy. But they broke up. When Victoria received her diploma and returned to her hometown, Nikita resumed her courtship. They decided to get married. Natalia approved the choice of her daughter and organized a magnificent wedding for the young.

The newlyweds wanted to live separately and rented a two-bedroom apartment for themselves. From the first days of living together in their family there were quarrels, which eventually grew into regular scandals. This lasted for a year and a half, until Vika offered her husband to live separately. She wanted to teach Nikita a lesson, and she hoped he would come back the next day to apologize. But the husband took the moment and got a mistress. He soon announced that he was filing for divorce. The abandoned wife cried in the pillow for a week, because she did not expect such meanness from the faithful.

Neither mother nor grandmother can comfort the poor. Vika insists that without Nikita, her life has no meaning, and is ready to forgive him all offenses. She became very hot-tempered and allows herself to shout at relatives who are trying to reason with her. Friends try to invite Victoria to visit more often, call her with them for picnics, but this does not help the girl to distract from sad thoughts.

Natalia is interested in how her daughter gets rid of emotional dependence. I advised to consult a psychologist, because without his consultation here can not do. Am I right?


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