Edgar Cayce's Great and Terrible Predictions Begin to Come True, Sleeping Prophet Predicts Everything
According to Wikipedia, in his lifetime, Edgar Cayce has issued about 26,000 prophecies. The productivity of the American clairvoyant can only be envied. But the one who carried out these calculations, I want to sympathize. But that's not it now! In the Network began to spread one of the predictions of the man. What he warned humanity at the beginning of the last century, we will learn together later in the article.
Edgar Cayce is called the Nostradamus of the 20th century. He not only saw the future, but also knew how to cure people from serious ailments. He looked at the man and called the disease. Sometimes I even did it with my eyes closed! Many went to him when the doctors were no longer useful.
When Casey passed away, about 14,000 client records were found in his archives. There were many people among them who sought help from the Prophet. Being not yet very experienced, he saw his visions in a dream and did not control it. But later he learned to enter this special trance state. It was a dream.
Edgar claimed that he could be in several places at the same time and observe events that had not yet occurred. For example, he foresaw the beginning of the First and Second World War. He also spoke about the collapse of the USSR, although he believed that the Soviet Union would sooner or later be revived. By the way, similar predictions were also made by Sidik Afghan, about whom we wrote earlier. You believe that?
As for Cayce’s other predictions, he said that new scientific approaches to medicine would harness the power of the human body’s electromagnetism. The seer made this assumption when this phenomenon was still completely new to humans. Today, many medical institutions use the therapeutic electromagnetic field as an effective means of influencing people.
As the visionary saw the future, Edgar believed that a new civilization would emerge, Atlantis would be reborn. Exactly how and in what form is unknown. It may be happening now, but people don’t realize it. In their pursuit of power and money, they have forgotten what spirituality is. But there will come a time when people of different races and faiths will need to come together for a shared happy future.
The American also warned that the modern map of the world will change once and for all. First of all, this will happen due to serious natural disasters and anomalies. Huge tracts of land will go under water, and entire cities and even countries can be wiped off the face of the Earth. The advent of a new era in the history of mankind will be associated with an increase in the number of floods, earthquakes, fires and other natural disasters.
Casey saw the end of normal life on the planet this way. There will be a terrible earthquake that will provoke a fracture of the earth's crust. Because of this, the flood will begin, as a result of which many lands will go under water. In addition, the fracture of the Earth's crust will lead to the awakening of many volcanoes. All this will further affect the overall climate picture on Earth.
However, many people will survive and move on to a new stage of life. New sources of energy and technology will emerge. By 2050, the situation will stabilize so much that people will no longer need means of communication. They will be able to communicate their thoughts from a distance in a different way.
Casey talked about the cyclical nature of the universe. People experience the same events, just in different forms and states. The world is dominated by those who know how to use their consciousness. And spirituality will be the foundation on which the future will be built in the coming decades. It depends only on the people themselves what it will be. Now is the time to finally build a relationship with yourself and rethink the events of the past years.
The seer encouraged people to listen to their inner voice and seek harmony within themselves. It will be much easier to survive any difficult times. Agreed?
What do you think of the American clairvoyant's prediction? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Edgar Cayce is called the Nostradamus of the 20th century. He not only saw the future, but also knew how to cure people from serious ailments. He looked at the man and called the disease. Sometimes I even did it with my eyes closed! Many went to him when the doctors were no longer useful.

When Casey passed away, about 14,000 client records were found in his archives. There were many people among them who sought help from the Prophet. Being not yet very experienced, he saw his visions in a dream and did not control it. But later he learned to enter this special trance state. It was a dream.
Edgar claimed that he could be in several places at the same time and observe events that had not yet occurred. For example, he foresaw the beginning of the First and Second World War. He also spoke about the collapse of the USSR, although he believed that the Soviet Union would sooner or later be revived. By the way, similar predictions were also made by Sidik Afghan, about whom we wrote earlier. You believe that?

As for Cayce’s other predictions, he said that new scientific approaches to medicine would harness the power of the human body’s electromagnetism. The seer made this assumption when this phenomenon was still completely new to humans. Today, many medical institutions use the therapeutic electromagnetic field as an effective means of influencing people.
As the visionary saw the future, Edgar believed that a new civilization would emerge, Atlantis would be reborn. Exactly how and in what form is unknown. It may be happening now, but people don’t realize it. In their pursuit of power and money, they have forgotten what spirituality is. But there will come a time when people of different races and faiths will need to come together for a shared happy future.

The American also warned that the modern map of the world will change once and for all. First of all, this will happen due to serious natural disasters and anomalies. Huge tracts of land will go under water, and entire cities and even countries can be wiped off the face of the Earth. The advent of a new era in the history of mankind will be associated with an increase in the number of floods, earthquakes, fires and other natural disasters.
Casey saw the end of normal life on the planet this way. There will be a terrible earthquake that will provoke a fracture of the earth's crust. Because of this, the flood will begin, as a result of which many lands will go under water. In addition, the fracture of the Earth's crust will lead to the awakening of many volcanoes. All this will further affect the overall climate picture on Earth.

However, many people will survive and move on to a new stage of life. New sources of energy and technology will emerge. By 2050, the situation will stabilize so much that people will no longer need means of communication. They will be able to communicate their thoughts from a distance in a different way.
Casey talked about the cyclical nature of the universe. People experience the same events, just in different forms and states. The world is dominated by those who know how to use their consciousness. And spirituality will be the foundation on which the future will be built in the coming decades. It depends only on the people themselves what it will be. Now is the time to finally build a relationship with yourself and rethink the events of the past years.

The seer encouraged people to listen to their inner voice and seek harmony within themselves. It will be much easier to survive any difficult times. Agreed?
What do you think of the American clairvoyant's prediction? Share your thoughts in the comments!
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