Baba Nina from the TV series “Blind” gave signs for longevity: what you need to urgently remove from bed
An honest man who leads a righteous life will always have sleepiness. For if you do not sin and do not wish harm to anyone, a clear conscience and a righteous life make you more open, spiritualized, real. And he who has dark thoughts always turns at night, and the morning will never be good for him.
But there is another side to this life. People don’t think much about the things they do every day. Therefore, often negative energy can appear in his life where he least expects it. It is good that the clairvoyant woman Nina from the series “Blind” shared with us a number of health benefits. So now it will be much easier to protect yourself from malicious intent.
Good sleep without sleeping pills Leaky shoes in the house - to diseases and troubles
Many people know that negativity often attracts this. And leaky shoes have always been a sign of evil. So why keep a pair of worn-out shoes if you can't get into people anyway? On the other hand, due to the presence of such energetically negative things in your life, you can have quite tangible material problems. Illness; loss of job, money; bad reputation among friends. Don't be a miser and get rid of excess trash.
Home remedies need their place
Keep medicines and medications in a special box or on the shelf. But do not leave them near the bed or, especially, on the pillow. With each of us often there are slight ailments. To combat such conditions, you only need to take medicine or consult a doctor. But if we put pills and thermometers in everything, you can be sure that the disease will only get worse. To put it simply: don’t be brave while it’s quiet. Hide your medication and don't keep it close.
Do not call animals by the names of loved ones
Some of us have “genius” ideas from time to time. Like calling a cat Vaska. I don't care if your son-in-law is also called Vasily. You'll think about it. But in fact, the name is very important. And every name has a destiny. And the cat, no matter how gentle and healthy, lives, unfortunately, much less than a person. So the son-in-law may suffer some bad fate. The energy of names has been discussed many times. People have their own, and animals have their own. And mixing them is not recommended.
A ringing coin for skillful hands is a great container to throw some of the negativity from your soul. Pennies are not worth anything, but if you pick them up, you can let in sickness and strife into your home for a long time. If you see someone’s money, don’t pick it up. Judge for yourself, it won't make the weather for your wallet. But as for intangible “acquisitions”, it may well be some evil eye or something worse. As they say, sheepskin is not worth making.
Don't cut your own hair
A lot of men sin with these things. Not only do they shave themselves, but they also cut their hair from their head. But this can lead to constant headaches, poor health, even panic attacks. It is better to use old methods in this matter and consult a hairdresser. But not on a birthday, because on this day, along with hair, good luck with health will be cut. It is better to choose another day for a trip to the barbershop. Fortunately, in our time there is no problem with this.
Pretending to be sick because of laziness is foolish and shortsighted
After all, such a pretense is almost guaranteed to bring a real disease to a person. How often do we as children not want to go to school? They often told their parents that they felt unwell, probably because of a cold. Few people remember, but after a while the disease could really knock the child off his feet for a week or more. But now we've forgotten that. When you were a kid, you'd think about who wasn't sick. Oh, if you think about it, it's all connected.
To talk about your diseases means to multiply them There is such a state of mind, hypochondria. When a person invents a bunch of diseases that he does not have, and suffers extremely much about it. And there are people who really suffer from numerical ailments and, as if bragging about them to the left and right. They try to persuade others to feel sorry for them. But such behavior does not entail anything good. Just more and more ailments. The bad is only the bad and attracts. Always know when to keep quiet.
All these wise signs will help you stay strong and healthy, despite any evil thoughts of your detractors. It is not enough just to lead a healthy lifestyle and hope that this will always be the case. It is also necessary to observe spiritual purity. The wisdom of our ancestors will help us in this way. Don’t forget this and everything in your life will be fine!

But there is another side to this life. People don’t think much about the things they do every day. Therefore, often negative energy can appear in his life where he least expects it. It is good that the clairvoyant woman Nina from the series “Blind” shared with us a number of health benefits. So now it will be much easier to protect yourself from malicious intent.
Good sleep without sleeping pills Leaky shoes in the house - to diseases and troubles

Many people know that negativity often attracts this. And leaky shoes have always been a sign of evil. So why keep a pair of worn-out shoes if you can't get into people anyway? On the other hand, due to the presence of such energetically negative things in your life, you can have quite tangible material problems. Illness; loss of job, money; bad reputation among friends. Don't be a miser and get rid of excess trash.
Home remedies need their place

Keep medicines and medications in a special box or on the shelf. But do not leave them near the bed or, especially, on the pillow. With each of us often there are slight ailments. To combat such conditions, you only need to take medicine or consult a doctor. But if we put pills and thermometers in everything, you can be sure that the disease will only get worse. To put it simply: don’t be brave while it’s quiet. Hide your medication and don't keep it close.
Do not call animals by the names of loved ones

Some of us have “genius” ideas from time to time. Like calling a cat Vaska. I don't care if your son-in-law is also called Vasily. You'll think about it. But in fact, the name is very important. And every name has a destiny. And the cat, no matter how gentle and healthy, lives, unfortunately, much less than a person. So the son-in-law may suffer some bad fate. The energy of names has been discussed many times. People have their own, and animals have their own. And mixing them is not recommended.
A ringing coin for skillful hands is a great container to throw some of the negativity from your soul. Pennies are not worth anything, but if you pick them up, you can let in sickness and strife into your home for a long time. If you see someone’s money, don’t pick it up. Judge for yourself, it won't make the weather for your wallet. But as for intangible “acquisitions”, it may well be some evil eye or something worse. As they say, sheepskin is not worth making.
Don't cut your own hair

A lot of men sin with these things. Not only do they shave themselves, but they also cut their hair from their head. But this can lead to constant headaches, poor health, even panic attacks. It is better to use old methods in this matter and consult a hairdresser. But not on a birthday, because on this day, along with hair, good luck with health will be cut. It is better to choose another day for a trip to the barbershop. Fortunately, in our time there is no problem with this.
Pretending to be sick because of laziness is foolish and shortsighted

After all, such a pretense is almost guaranteed to bring a real disease to a person. How often do we as children not want to go to school? They often told their parents that they felt unwell, probably because of a cold. Few people remember, but after a while the disease could really knock the child off his feet for a week or more. But now we've forgotten that. When you were a kid, you'd think about who wasn't sick. Oh, if you think about it, it's all connected.
To talk about your diseases means to multiply them There is such a state of mind, hypochondria. When a person invents a bunch of diseases that he does not have, and suffers extremely much about it. And there are people who really suffer from numerical ailments and, as if bragging about them to the left and right. They try to persuade others to feel sorry for them. But such behavior does not entail anything good. Just more and more ailments. The bad is only the bad and attracts. Always know when to keep quiet.

All these wise signs will help you stay strong and healthy, despite any evil thoughts of your detractors. It is not enough just to lead a healthy lifestyle and hope that this will always be the case. It is also necessary to observe spiritual purity. The wisdom of our ancestors will help us in this way. Don’t forget this and everything in your life will be fine!
Mother-in-law was going to give us an apartment from the last century, threatening a divorce husband and standing on his own.
Indian prophet Punit Nahata gave a new prediction and told when the war will end