Baba Nina from the TV series “Blind” asks to wear 2 beans in your wallet and do business honestly

The signs of the woman Nina from the TV series “Blind”, so that financial luck does not turn away, work unconditionally. “And if you also apply a conspiracy to wealth, life will play with new colors!” a friend who recently bought a new car told me.

Truth or coincidence, I don’t know yet, but it’s worth thinking about. In times of financial crisis, this can be very important. Today's edition. "Site" share wise advice on welfare. Put 2 beans in your wallet and do business honestly!

The same signs act differently on different people: that one harm, another benefit. Therefore, the sign is what the individual has noticed for himself over time. There are signs tested by our ancestors, and I do not neglect them. You should too!

You can’t move money from one place to another, you risk losing it. Of the money you save, you need to lend. If this is not done, the savings can be lost.

The habit of whistling during work leads to the fact that the money you have will cease.

You can’t just carry money in your pockets, it belongs in your wallet. Otherwise, not only money, but happiness will go by the wind.

If you have two wallets, there will be no money in either. Don’t let anyone clean your room – do it yourself. Otherwise, they and your money will be swept away.

In the evening, you can not give money to anyone, this leads to a loss of income. You can't have money either.knock out at night. It's also for financial loss.

A girl cannot get married on the sixth day. Otherwise, there will be no money in the family. There is a saying: “Day six – a man’s pocket is empty!”

Do not keep unpaired gloves at home, it promises no money. The same goes for holding money in envelopes, which is a big loss. They will fly around the world and you will not find them!

If you want to get richPut 2 beans in your wallet. But there is one condition: you must conduct your affairs honestly, not cheat and not cheat. Otherwise, beans won't help.

“Do not paint your nails in the kitchen, girls. Otherwise, you will not have wealth! – warns the woman Nina. There is no money left if you keep it in the bedroom.

And another one. rule: “On payday money cannot be spent immediately. Money must stay at least one night at home.” That's Nina's good advice!

I suggest you to familiarize yourself with the many tips of the woman Nina from the series “Blind” for happiness in the family. Put white threads under the mattress immediately!

Also pay attention to this wealth conspiracy. If you have spent a lot of effort for promotion in the workplace, but all efforts were in vain, do not despair.

Wait until the moon begins to grow and every night, including the full moon phase, read this plot 3 times before bedtimeAs a magnet pulls metal, so I attract money. My salary, grow like the moon in a clear sky, work, stay where you are. There will be no rejection of the greedy eye, money, come to me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Undoubtedly, there will be a situation in life that will give you the chance to earn more and more often than you do today. If you are not satisfied with something in life, do not blame fate, you need to act independently - and then success in business and profit will never leave you!


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