The shortest film about a woman watching TV

Two well-known Italian directors once bet whether one of them could shoot a film. short film in history. It was agreed that its duration should not exceed 10 seconds. However, at the same time in the tape there should be a tie, climax and denouement. Whether the filmmaker managed to do this, we tell further in the article.

Once the famous Italian film director Frederico Fellini talked with his colleague about films. Tonino Guerra, by the way, was not only a screenwriter and director, but also a poet and writer.

Fellini decided to argue with Guerra. The subject of controversy was the shortest film in history. Frederico was sure that his friend would never be able to come up with a script that could fit in 10 seconds. Agree, the timing is just meager. And this despite the fact that in 10 seconds it was supposed to place a tie, and a climax, and an unexpected end.

Instagram / @ Friends were arguing about money. Small ones, though. Frederico assured Tonino that he would never comply with the terms of the dispute. But the insistent director was convinced otherwise: "If you're willing to part with $12, Federico, let's make a bet." I'll bring you a script tomorrow.

Fellini was 100% sure that his colleague could not cope with such a difficult task. After all, 10 seconds in the scale of cinema means very little. And Tonino himself, to be sure, spent the whole evening in panic. Thoughts were confused in my head, and the script for the 10-second film was not written.

The script for the shortest film already dawned on Guerra. Encouraged by the creative impulse, he managed to write the script before the film is 10 seconds long and fulfilled the main condition of the dispute. When the colleagues met, Fellini was sure he had won $12 and his colleague failed miserably. But it wasn't!

Tonito handed a sheet of text to a friend. Then he grabbed it, opened it, and read:

“A woman watches television. On the screen broadcast of the rocket launch. Countdown: 10...9... 8. We see her face, which reflects the storm of experiences. In the last seconds, she picks up the phone, dials the number, 7... 6 ... 5 ... 4 ... 3. 2. 1... and with the launch of the rocket says in the phone: “Come, he flew away!”


When Fellini read the script, he silently pulled money out of his pocket and counted off a colleague $12. Tonino offered the script of a classic Italian comedy with elements of drama of the 50s and 60s. In 10 seconds, we meet three characters at once, although we see only one: a woman, her husband and her lover.

As the countdown goes on, people are tense, not knowing what awaits them at the end. This dynamic keeps viewers on standby. You can say that this is a kind of suspense. The ending of the film is swift and unexpected. Tonino Guerra is a true master!

This unusual story inspired us to share with you another interesting short film on a topical topic. Recently, an 11-minute film about the Russian-Ukrainian war with the concise title “Ma!” appeared in free access on YouTube.

Instagram / @bogdanzheliezniak The main idea is to show the difference between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples. They are not brotherly and never were. The director of the film is Bogdan Zheleznyak, a graduate of the Kyiv National University of Theatre, Film and Television named after I. K. Karpenko-Kary.

If you describe a movie in one word, it will be a word. contrastand if two, then light and gloom. We are really different, we are not one people, and with this film I wanted to say that there is not just a chasm between us, there is an abyss between us.

The art of the short meter is to fit a deep idea into a limited timekeeping, revealing its essence in a small amount of time. I think Iron did it.

I wonder, do you often watch time films? Do you have any favorites?


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