Why prescient parents always wear wax chalk in their wallet, you’ll start doing it too.
My wife and I have children of the same age. Therefore, we often meet and share our thoughts and discoveries. We were sitting in a cafe once. She took out her wallet to pay, and a wax pencil fell out. I thought it was funny. I laughed, lifted up my pencil and said, “You’re really spinning.” Even the small ones are in the wallet.”
But she told me she was doing it intentionally. I was very surprised, but after her story, I decided to follow suit and do the same. And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you why some mothers wear a wax pencil in their wallet.
Most of us would think that the crayon in the wallet is something strange. I thought so myself. However, it can help your child at certain times. If, for example, in public you notice that the child is behaving anxiously, chalk can help him. It's small enough for you to pass it on to your baby. So the child can write a note and ask for help if he is uncomfortable talking.
It is also a great way to help a child who is in trouble. In the United States, it has saved abducted children several times. If you notice a child who is tense with an adult, you can get his attention with the help of crayon. They are usually very bright because they are interested in children. This can be a reason to talk to the child and establish contact. That way you can see if he's being threatened by an adult nearby. It could save the life of a child.
There is another more prosaic reason. Wax chalk is a trouble-free tool to write something down. This is especially useful when traveling. The pen may suddenly run out. And she'll definitely let you down on the plane because of the high pressure.
A simple pencil can also break. But wax pencil can write something under any circumstances. So you can always be sure that you can use it if you have to.
Parents who have traveled with children know how difficult it can be. But a simple chalk will help distract the child from whims and tantrums. With him, the journey will be peaceful. If only there was a piece of paper to draw on.
As you can see, a wax pencil is an indispensable thing. It can be useful in many situations. We hope that our advice will help you avoid any unforeseen situations. Good luck!

But she told me she was doing it intentionally. I was very surprised, but after her story, I decided to follow suit and do the same. And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you why some mothers wear a wax pencil in their wallet.
Most of us would think that the crayon in the wallet is something strange. I thought so myself. However, it can help your child at certain times. If, for example, in public you notice that the child is behaving anxiously, chalk can help him. It's small enough for you to pass it on to your baby. So the child can write a note and ask for help if he is uncomfortable talking.

It is also a great way to help a child who is in trouble. In the United States, it has saved abducted children several times. If you notice a child who is tense with an adult, you can get his attention with the help of crayon. They are usually very bright because they are interested in children. This can be a reason to talk to the child and establish contact. That way you can see if he's being threatened by an adult nearby. It could save the life of a child.

There is another more prosaic reason. Wax chalk is a trouble-free tool to write something down. This is especially useful when traveling. The pen may suddenly run out. And she'll definitely let you down on the plane because of the high pressure.

A simple pencil can also break. But wax pencil can write something under any circumstances. So you can always be sure that you can use it if you have to.

Parents who have traveled with children know how difficult it can be. But a simple chalk will help distract the child from whims and tantrums. With him, the journey will be peaceful. If only there was a piece of paper to draw on.

As you can see, a wax pencil is an indispensable thing. It can be useful in many situations. We hope that our advice will help you avoid any unforeseen situations. Good luck!
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