A friend calls her loneliness at 55 a blessing

Often lonely They seem miserable. You live, work for some purpose, start a family, and in the end you are left with nothing. Is that fair? As it turned out, not everyone is burdened by such a life. Many people enjoy seclusion in old age. On what it depends and what is the philosophy of loneliness, we discuss further in the article.

This year Irina will be 60 years old, and her only son – 28. He has already married and had a child. He lives with his family in another city. I rarely see my mother.

Irina is increasingly wondering who will be next to her when she gets older. My husband's been dead for 5 years. She seems to have learned to live alone with herself. But disturbing thoughts now and then visit her bright head.

The heroine understands that the son does not have to be with her. He has his own life and family for which he is responsible. She appreciates that he helps her from time to time and doesn't require more. Why is it so sad in the soul?

Psychologists say that in adulthood loneliness is perceived by a person normally. He is completely healthy mentally. There is a lot of experience behind me. And it allows you to competently analyze your psycho-emotional states.


You will never be lonely and bored without the company of others if you know how to listen to your inner voice and needs. In addition, by the age of 60-70, the circle of human communication is finally formed. People often have at least one close friend. Sometimes you don’t even have to see him. One phone call is enough to make your heart warm and happy.

The main problem of loneliness is that a person does not like his own company. And he tries to fill the void within himself by communicating with other people. Aging only highlights problems that began in early adolescence or during the midlife crisis.

I admire grandparents who are not afraid to try something new. Their routine can consist of many interesting activities. Someone with a head immersed in gardening, someone likes to knit or corny read books. Any activity is good when we enjoy it, right?

When a person becomes a support for himself, it is easy for him to cope with loneliness. He doesn't look for that support in other people. However, we are often in codependent relationships with our relatives or friends.

It is vital for us to be in their company, share our experiences with them and tell them how the day went. When all this becomes an obsession, solitude turns into torture and is not perceived as a way to spend quality time alone with yourself.

Not everyone knows the difference between solitude and loneliness. In the first case, a person often chooses to be alone with himself. We all need it to recharge and reflex. The word “loneliness” has a darker connotation. It can serve. psychological protectionTrying to avoid any contact with the outside world.

Happy are those who balance between the ability to seclusion and being close to people close to their hearts. And those who call themselves lonely find it hard to find a foothold in themselves. They are used to relying on others. That is why they suffer from loneliness when these supports disappear.

About all this Irina told her psychologist. He advised the woman to find work for the soul. And she knitted. The woman made a wonderful sweater for her son, and tied a warm scarf for her daughter-in-law. Irina knows that a deep old age will meet alone. But she doesn't feel lonely. My son doesn’t come to her often, he always answers the phone.

And recently, the heroine began a very warm relationship with a neighbor. She is 5 years older than Irina and lives alone. Most of all, a woman likes to come to her neighbor for tea, concocting homemade cookies or bagels with a saw on the eve. What is it, if not a happy old age?

If you are interested in what we talked about today, I suggest you read our articles on this topic. For example, my colleague Veronica Zhmurko told how lonely young people are. What do you think of that?


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