Relatives celebrate Christmas on December 25, and we have two holidays on January 7.
December is coming. This means that many people will soon wonder, “When am I celebrating Christmas?” The difference in dates has previously caused a fair amount of controversy, but now there may be even more. The head of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine has repeatedly stated that believers can celebrate December 25th.
Such a difference in the dates of celebration of such a significant day for believers occurred after the transition from the Julian chronological system to the Gregorian. Julian calendar It was developed by the astronomer Sosigen and put into use in 46 BC. This happened with the filing of Gaius Julius Caesar, so the calendar received such a name.
However, the length of the year in the Julian calendar lagged behind the real astronomical year by 11 minutes and 14 seconds. Historians note that in the middle of the XVI century there was a difference of 10 days between the current calendar and the real situation. Therefore, on October 4, 1582, a special commission headed by Pope Gregory XIII decided to go from the 4th to the 15th. level out in time. But a certain number of believers refused to switch to the new format. Thus, a new and old style for religious celebrations was formed.
The priests note that many believers do not want to celebrate Christmas on December 25, as this time can still last fasting. But also representatives of the Church report that for one day you can not limit yourself to special prohibitions. The main thing in this case is tolerance for other people’s choices. Don’t put pressure on people, or worse, fight with them. Aggression and lack of manners are completely inappropriate in this case.
Peels Important Decision of 18 October Synod of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine decision On the possibility of holding festive services on December 25. Then it is for local priests and parishioners of temples. If they wish to organize such a service, then the date of Christmas will be used according to the Gregorian calendar.
Users of social networks are actively discussing such a decision for many days. Some people believe that celebrating Christmas on December 25 is the right decision. Well, someone is sure that this is some mistake and does not plan to switch to a new style. Of course, judging people for their choice is not worth it. However, it is important to heed the clergy’s call for tolerance.
The priests also understand that such important decisions can cause squabbles among people. But it is important to understand one rather serious point. Sometimes it is difficult to change traditions at the click of your fingers. Society needs to get used to the fact that change is coming. People need more information to be able to assess the situation rationally.
Respect that people may have a different point of view. If they want a new style, so be it. Everyone makes their own decisions. Do not rush and make hasty conclusions. Let people study this question more and give themselves an answer.
Peels Modestly Celebrating Christmas This Christmas will not be as beautiful as it could be. Ukraine keep fighting for his freedom in the brutal war unleashed by Russia. Who knows what surprises to prepare for, if people almost daily fall asleep and wake up under the howling of sirens. Down with squabbles and quarrels. Now the strength of Ukrainians is in common help, faith, support and unity. No matter how the enemy tries to get close to the brave people, they will never be divided.
Peels Tell us in the comments when you plan celebrate. What number will that be? Or, say, do you like to celebrate two holidays at once? It will be interesting to read reasoned answers and rational explanations. Write down how you want to organize this holiday. Will you spend a lot of money on gifts or not?

Such a difference in the dates of celebration of such a significant day for believers occurred after the transition from the Julian chronological system to the Gregorian. Julian calendar It was developed by the astronomer Sosigen and put into use in 46 BC. This happened with the filing of Gaius Julius Caesar, so the calendar received such a name.
However, the length of the year in the Julian calendar lagged behind the real astronomical year by 11 minutes and 14 seconds. Historians note that in the middle of the XVI century there was a difference of 10 days between the current calendar and the real situation. Therefore, on October 4, 1582, a special commission headed by Pope Gregory XIII decided to go from the 4th to the 15th. level out in time. But a certain number of believers refused to switch to the new format. Thus, a new and old style for religious celebrations was formed.

The priests note that many believers do not want to celebrate Christmas on December 25, as this time can still last fasting. But also representatives of the Church report that for one day you can not limit yourself to special prohibitions. The main thing in this case is tolerance for other people’s choices. Don’t put pressure on people, or worse, fight with them. Aggression and lack of manners are completely inappropriate in this case.

Peels Important Decision of 18 October Synod of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine decision On the possibility of holding festive services on December 25. Then it is for local priests and parishioners of temples. If they wish to organize such a service, then the date of Christmas will be used according to the Gregorian calendar.

Users of social networks are actively discussing such a decision for many days. Some people believe that celebrating Christmas on December 25 is the right decision. Well, someone is sure that this is some mistake and does not plan to switch to a new style. Of course, judging people for their choice is not worth it. However, it is important to heed the clergy’s call for tolerance.
The priests also understand that such important decisions can cause squabbles among people. But it is important to understand one rather serious point. Sometimes it is difficult to change traditions at the click of your fingers. Society needs to get used to the fact that change is coming. People need more information to be able to assess the situation rationally.
Respect that people may have a different point of view. If they want a new style, so be it. Everyone makes their own decisions. Do not rush and make hasty conclusions. Let people study this question more and give themselves an answer.
Peels Modestly Celebrating Christmas This Christmas will not be as beautiful as it could be. Ukraine keep fighting for his freedom in the brutal war unleashed by Russia. Who knows what surprises to prepare for, if people almost daily fall asleep and wake up under the howling of sirens. Down with squabbles and quarrels. Now the strength of Ukrainians is in common help, faith, support and unity. No matter how the enemy tries to get close to the brave people, they will never be divided.

Peels Tell us in the comments when you plan celebrate. What number will that be? Or, say, do you like to celebrate two holidays at once? It will be interesting to read reasoned answers and rational explanations. Write down how you want to organize this holiday. Will you spend a lot of money on gifts or not?
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