It can't be easier! Sprayed quickly safe means to tame the mold forever.

The bathroom is the place where we cleanse our body and with it our thoughts. So cleanliness and freshness in it is the first thing that every self-respecting person should worry about. But no matter how much we want, over time in the most secluded corners of the bathroom appears. mouldEspecially in the middle of the tile.

On the shelves of stores you can find a lot of different detergents, but their composition often leaves much to be desired: they harm the skin and have a smell that directly eats out the eyes. Therefore, the editorial board "Site" Wants to share with you a recipe for home remedies that are great clean the bathroom of moldcontamination and bacteria and will not harm health.

Remedy for mold and fungus Ingredients
  • 2 tsp tea tree essential oil
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 tsp alcohol

Preparation and application Pour in the spray all the ingredients and shake it well. Spray the product on problem areas and leave for 10 minutes. Then wash everything as usual.

Tea tree oil has a strong disinfectant property, and alcohol helps dissolve it and also kills bacteria. The product leaves behind an unstable smell, which quickly weathers.

Still as well. antimold You can use vinegar, but keep in mind that its smell will stay in the air for a long time.

You will be surprised when you see how cleverly this tool copes with mold. Don’t forget to share the recipe with your friends!


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