Advice of an experienced summer resident on growing seedlings
By the beginning of February, gardeners are already beginning to prepare for the summer season, so that later the whole year enjoy vegetables and fruits grown with love on their own plot. But not everything is so smooth in the Danish kingdom - the gentle seedlings on which they are laid. hopefulThey can cause a variety of problems.
Seedlings with their own hands It can cause a lot of trouble if you do not know the nuances. The role can play and soil, and temperature, and proper lighting. Among other things, seedlings are prone to disease, and this is also a significant problem: one diseased plant can affect all others. Editorial "Site" I will gladly give some practical advice on how to protect shoots from unexpected misfortunes.
Seedlings on the windowsill for seedlings are ideal: a lot of natural light, the window is cooler than in the whole apartment, behind the curtains and curtains a kind of microclimate is created, the seedlings themselves do not spoil the interior. All chances are for the seedlings to rise perfectly. But all of a sudden you notice that some of them have gone down, their growth has slowed down. What could be the reason? Let's see.
There is a lot of controversy over whether, seed. It is best to choose a time so that the seedlings have time to gain strength before transferring to open ground. It all depends on you and how you take care of them, time in this case plays a secondary role. We are waiting for your advice and observations in the comments!

Seedlings with their own hands It can cause a lot of trouble if you do not know the nuances. The role can play and soil, and temperature, and proper lighting. Among other things, seedlings are prone to disease, and this is also a significant problem: one diseased plant can affect all others. Editorial "Site" I will gladly give some practical advice on how to protect shoots from unexpected misfortunes.

Seedlings on the windowsill for seedlings are ideal: a lot of natural light, the window is cooler than in the whole apartment, behind the curtains and curtains a kind of microclimate is created, the seedlings themselves do not spoil the interior. All chances are for the seedlings to rise perfectly. But all of a sudden you notice that some of them have gone down, their growth has slowed down. What could be the reason? Let's see.

- Persecution
This happens if the plants are grown with violations, it is enough to hold the film on the pots. The seedlings react quite quickly, slipping. The main symptom is that most of the seeds do not grow. The reason lies in the strong dulling of them into the soil or in excessive moisture. Reduce the number of irrigations in half, create a comfortable temperature of 18-20 degrees Celsius, treat the soil with phytosporine. - Root rot
This attack has a fungal nature and can quickly deal with seedlings, it is important to identify it in advance. The leaves turn yellow, the stem begins to thin and rot, there is a border separating the affected part from the healthy. The reason can be poor lighting, high temperature, humidity and acidity of the soil. Suspicious plant should be removed along with a coma of earth, and the soil disinfected. - Withering
Most often this is caused by the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and fungus in the soil, insufficient humidity, unsatisfactory temperature regime. The seedlings begin to wither, the top withers, the plant dries with time. Remove damaged stems in the same way as in the case of root rot. Put fresh peat in the hole that appears and treat the soil with fungicide (phytosporine, trichodermine). - Black leg.
Or mild rot. It is susceptible to seedlings of tomatoes, pepper, cucumbers, cabbage and many other cultures. A black leg can devastate the entire crop, getting rid of it is quite difficult. Therefore, it is easier to prevent its appearance. This means that the soil must be disinfected in advance, monitor humidity and temperature. If the seedlings wither, the stems become thinner and blacken, urgently save the seedlings: remove hopeless sprouts, fill the place with wood ash.
There is a lot of controversy over whether, seed. It is best to choose a time so that the seedlings have time to gain strength before transferring to open ground. It all depends on you and how you take care of them, time in this case plays a secondary role. We are waiting for your advice and observations in the comments!