The dry cleaners are in shock! The woman gave a master class on spotless removal.

You've probably dropped fatty meat on yourself at least once or spilled juice. How many favorite things ruined hard-to-remove spots! To prevent this from happening again, keep the instructions that will help you wash anything!

How to remove stains from clothes Useful tips
  1. A dishwasher
    You enjoy the ice cream, it starts to melt, and suddenly you notice a stain on the sundress. No problem! Wash the stains from the summer dessert can be as follows: soak the thing in cold water for 10 minutes, add a dishwasher, and then wash as usual.

  2. Ammonia
    After a foray into nature, you can find spots from anything! A recently eaten barbecue will surely remind you fatty. If it is fresh, you can rub fine salt into this place, it degreases the fabric. Ammonia will cope with ingrained pollution.

  3. aspirin
    Wash the sweat Aspirin will help. Pour into a glass of warm water 4 crushed tablets. Moisten the stains with this solution and leave the thing for 2 hours, then wash.

  4. Milk.
    If you mix 1 liter of milk and 2 tbsp of lemon juice, you will get an excellent remedy that will remove stains from the berries. Leave things for 2 hours in this liquid, then rinse and wash in soapy solution.

  5. Shaving cream
    The eternal problem of women is tonal cream on clothes. To remove stains at home, you need to apply a shaving cream on the fabric and leave for 20 minutes. Then just wash the thing.

  6. Baby wet wipe
    Sometimes you do not know where the trouble came from and how to deal with it. Here’s what to do in this case: consider the pollution, walk through it with a clothesbrush and clean the top layer of dirt. Then wipe the place with a wet wipe. 30 °C is the optimal water temperature for washing spots of unknown origin. 757680

  7. Lemon juice
    This ingredient will help you remove traces of raspberries, blueberries, grapes and other fruits, as well as chocolate. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix with vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1. With a cotton disc, apply the mixture to the stain and gently rub it.

  8. vinegar
    Washing ketchup will help white vinegar. Do such manipulations: turn dirty clothes inside out and wash with cold water. For 10 minutes, leave it in water with a stain, then rinse. Wet the stain with vinegar, if it has not disappeared, then repeat this procedure several times.

Such simple household tips will be useful to any hostess! Your friends will be delighted if you share your tricks with them.


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