Preparing for scheduled power outages, making a list of everything you need.

In recent months, Ukrainians have had to study a lot of instructions in case something happens. We even figured out what to do in a nuclear explosion. Now the enemy has decided to attack the energy infrastructure. But this is not scary, just now we are ready for the fact that there will be a planned blackout.

Peels Today editorial office "Site" It tells you what to have in the house in such a case. We also remind you of the basic safety rules.

We cannot predict what exactly will happen next. Therefore, you need to prepare for the worst case scenario. First, let's figure out what things will be irreplaceable if the lights are turned off for a long time.

  1. Candles, lanterns or glowing sticks. Sitting in pitch dark is not too pleasant, so you need to stock up on everything that can give light. Don’t just rely on a mobile phone flashlight. From its use, the phone discharges faster.
  2. Powerbanks. With their help, you can recharge your devices.
  3. The radio. It is used to keep up with the news when there is no electricity. It is recommended to choose a receiver on batteries.
  4. Portable solar panels. This is optional, of course, but the device is quite useful.
  5. Generator. For those who live in a private home, it is a good option not to be left without electricity at all.

  6. A gas burner or a small stove. If you have an electric stove at home, you should think about how you will cook food. A small gas tile will help prepare something hot.
  7. and uninterrupted power. Sometimes the electricity can turn off suddenly, as well as voltage surges. To protect your equipment, you can buy an uninterruptible. Not the cheapest thing, but it can save more than one appliance.
  8. Water supply. Many hydraulic structures also depend on electricity. Therefore, there may be problems with water supply. It does not hurt to stock up on a sufficient amount of drinking and technical water.

It is also worth remembering some rules that will help you survive temporary outages without problems. If you have a power outage schedule, prepare for it in advance. Try to complete everything until now. You may need to adjust your schedule, but remember that these are temporary difficulties.

Turn off all devices and equipment after shutdown. This will help prevent damage to devices from voltage surges when restoring power. Turn off all the lights in the house except one. That way, you'll notice electricity in time.

Peels are the most difficult with freezers and refrigerators. When there is no electricity, do not open them unless absolutely necessary. If you do not open the door to the freezer, the food will remain frozen for about a day.

Naturally, in the dark you will want to light some light and maybe even warm up. But remember that in the room you can not use coal and gas heaters, as well as camping equipment. All this emits carbon monoxide. You can't see it, and it can be life-threatening. You should also be careful with candles. Don't leave them lit overnight. Also, do not place them near objects that are easily ignited.

All these tips will help you survive a planned power outage without any problems. This is a lot of inconvenience, but we were prepared for the fact that this winter will be difficult. We remind you that it is necessary to insulate the house for winter. A minimum supply of food should also be made. And don’t forget that it’s important to save electricity. We are ready for anything, which means we will stand up and cope with everything. Don't lose hope!


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