Tarologist Lyudmila Khomutovskaya put the cards aside and told how to live during the war
“How to live during the war?” – this question is now of interest to many Ukrainians. The favorite of our readers, tarologist Lyudmila Khomutovskaya, put the cards aside and gave a couple of practical advice as a psychologist.
Today's edition. "Site" share reflections of Lyudmila Chomutovskaya How to live in a time of war. Candid conversation!
Stress is tension, and to relieve it, you need to relax. Advising and doing things are different things.
How can you relax when every day you shudder at the alarm bells, when you do not see the whole picture of what is happening and live in limbo, waiting for the end of the war? This is almost a rhetorical question.
If you ask the Ukrainians now: resideAlmost everyone will say they live... Even those who are relatively safe do not enjoy the good weather and cannot start living again. Signs can be any: lack of appetite, poor sleep, prohibition of laughter or even some small joy.
If you realize right now that you are prone to this syndrome, ask yourself: “Do I want to give my life to the enemy?” If I do not live, he has already defeated me.
Often people wake up and realize that life goes on and when, if not now, to start living it.
Usually, stress manifests itself in people either in passive depression or in excessive activity. But if you're always running somewhere, doing something, being active, then in one unexpected moment you can just fall like that bunny from the battery commercial.
It is very important to stop here in time. Say no. If you can’t, explain why you can’t do something. Also Lyudmila Khomutovskaya advises to reduce the number of cases, thereby freeing up time for rest.
If it is difficult to stop and rest, start doing active sports: walking, dancing, yoga. Choose what you like. Try a new one!
For those who are in passive depression, move. Make compromises. Make a deal with yourself: explain to yourself why you go out and go, for example, to these dances or yoga, or to visit a friend. At least for the bazaar.
Express your emotions. If possible, go out into nature and shout loudly what you feel.
Peels try to change warfare. Yeah, I know it's not easy, but it's very important. Find the positives. Trust me, there are! Think about how this situation can change your life for the better. Fantasy about it.
Forgive the people around you, do not judge them, because you do not know what is behind a certain act of this or that person. Don’t let your pain, your worries about war, become aggression against others.
Thank you! Find an excuse you can thank. Each situation has its advantages and, if you find them and pay attention to them, it will become easier.
Eliminate communication with overly nervous people who panic, limit the time to read the news. For example, no more than 15 minutes a day, and then go about your business.
Remember that life goes on despite the war. There is always a time and place for quiet family joy. It is especially important to live in the moment!
And please don't blame yourself for the gift of fate, for being lucky, for having the resources to live. When a person is struggling, he must find the strength to survive, not destroy himself.
Remember: to give a hand to a friend, you must stand on your own feet!
Peels Editorial Council I also suggest you find out why you should not restrain emotions and why it is best to cry well. It is important that there are people who will not judge you, but, on the contrary, support you!
How to live during the war? Balance Everything! Listen to yourself: cry, laugh, grieve, rejoice, be angry, love. The main thing is that emotions have a place in your picture of the world, they must be lived.
For darkness is always light, for the passing into another world is life. And this may not comfort you, but know that one day it will all end, you will build in your psyche a new picture of the world instead of the old, and what it will be — new — largely depends on you.
Readers say that such topics in these difficult times are important to them as a breath of air. We sincerely thank Lyudmila Khomutovskaya for practical and sensible advice!
Today's edition. "Site" share reflections of Lyudmila Chomutovskaya How to live in a time of war. Candid conversation!

Stress is tension, and to relieve it, you need to relax. Advising and doing things are different things.
How can you relax when every day you shudder at the alarm bells, when you do not see the whole picture of what is happening and live in limbo, waiting for the end of the war? This is almost a rhetorical question.

If you ask the Ukrainians now: resideAlmost everyone will say they live... Even those who are relatively safe do not enjoy the good weather and cannot start living again. Signs can be any: lack of appetite, poor sleep, prohibition of laughter or even some small joy.
If you realize right now that you are prone to this syndrome, ask yourself: “Do I want to give my life to the enemy?” If I do not live, he has already defeated me.

Often people wake up and realize that life goes on and when, if not now, to start living it.
Usually, stress manifests itself in people either in passive depression or in excessive activity. But if you're always running somewhere, doing something, being active, then in one unexpected moment you can just fall like that bunny from the battery commercial.
It is very important to stop here in time. Say no. If you can’t, explain why you can’t do something. Also Lyudmila Khomutovskaya advises to reduce the number of cases, thereby freeing up time for rest.

If it is difficult to stop and rest, start doing active sports: walking, dancing, yoga. Choose what you like. Try a new one!
For those who are in passive depression, move. Make compromises. Make a deal with yourself: explain to yourself why you go out and go, for example, to these dances or yoga, or to visit a friend. At least for the bazaar.
Express your emotions. If possible, go out into nature and shout loudly what you feel.

Peels try to change warfare. Yeah, I know it's not easy, but it's very important. Find the positives. Trust me, there are! Think about how this situation can change your life for the better. Fantasy about it.
Forgive the people around you, do not judge them, because you do not know what is behind a certain act of this or that person. Don’t let your pain, your worries about war, become aggression against others.

Thank you! Find an excuse you can thank. Each situation has its advantages and, if you find them and pay attention to them, it will become easier.
Eliminate communication with overly nervous people who panic, limit the time to read the news. For example, no more than 15 minutes a day, and then go about your business.
Remember that life goes on despite the war. There is always a time and place for quiet family joy. It is especially important to live in the moment!

And please don't blame yourself for the gift of fate, for being lucky, for having the resources to live. When a person is struggling, he must find the strength to survive, not destroy himself.
Remember: to give a hand to a friend, you must stand on your own feet!

Peels Editorial Council I also suggest you find out why you should not restrain emotions and why it is best to cry well. It is important that there are people who will not judge you, but, on the contrary, support you!
How to live during the war? Balance Everything! Listen to yourself: cry, laugh, grieve, rejoice, be angry, love. The main thing is that emotions have a place in your picture of the world, they must be lived.
For darkness is always light, for the passing into another world is life. And this may not comfort you, but know that one day it will all end, you will build in your psyche a new picture of the world instead of the old, and what it will be — new — largely depends on you.
Readers say that such topics in these difficult times are important to them as a breath of air. We sincerely thank Lyudmila Khomutovskaya for practical and sensible advice!
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