A look into the future of the most intelligent molfar

An intelligent molfar from eastern Ukraine, Semyon Paliy, who was not heard for a long time, broke the silence. His vision of the future opens his eyes to many things.

Today's edition. "Site" He will share his thoughts on what is happening from the Eastern Molfar. The visions keep coming true!

Looking ahead to Molfara's future are special people. They have the gift to control the weather, heal and believe in the future. Semyon Paliy is exactly such a man. He does not care what is happening in Ukraine. He knew about the war a long time ago. Since the independence of Ukraine, he has foreseen what is happening. In this he was helped by visions and analysis of events.

He was called a provocateur when he warned of the war back in 2014. Now a lot is clear. “There have been many scouts and traitors in Ukraine who have led the country to what is happening in Ukraine today.” Let it go. But these people are few, and we have to stop supporting them, believe them! – advises the molfar Ukrainians.

“It is not about people that they worry about creating such laws!” says Semyon Paliy. “We are taught helplessness. When a person cannot defend himself either in court, or by his force, or by his weapons, he goes into a state of stupor. And then the people in power rejoice. Whatever they do, the people will be patient. ?

If you see something, don't be fooled by the first answer you get. Ask the question: who needs it, why? Turn it on. critical thinking! Question everything, analyze it, read it. This is what free people should do.

About the future of the warring now, the molfar camp says: The collapse of those who attacked Ukraine will be swift and lightning fast. All because they think they are the strongest. But their faith is based on fear.

The longer they fight Ukraine, the weaker they become. In addition, they have a hidden, but resentful enemy – China.

“The time will come and China will come for its lands. Then Japan will catch up, which will want to take the Kuril Islands, and at the same time capture part of the eastern coast. With the latter, everything is clear: they have islands that are often susceptible to earthquakes, and they have long wanted to move to solid lands.

Karelia will be taken by the Finns. Koenigsberg, consider it almost taken away! – says the seer.

According to Molfar, Crimea will be given to the Crimean Tatars. But without Dnieper water it is a desert. Ukraine will share fresh water with them. There is a possibility that Kuban will pull up to Ukraine.

After the war, many territory They'll be broken. This is especially true of factories. Many people will go abroad and probably stay there forever. But as time passes, the Ukrainians will pay for the losses, and then they will gather their strength and begin to rebuild everything that was destroyed. And then there will be a new time for Ukraine. Graceful!

I also propose to find out what the Transcarpathian molfar Nechai warned about Ukraine. Prophecies are beginning to come true!

A look at the future of Oriental Molfar makes you wonder. He also said that the world should changedWe have to accept what's going on. Change your attitude towards yourself and your enemies.

What do you say about these predictions? Agree with them or not?


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