How Maxim Gordeev earned the confidence of the audience

The more disturbing the events around us, the more we want to know how our lives will change in three days, a week, a month. Therefore, readers will probably be interested in the forecast for May from the main psychic of Ukraine Maxim Gordeev.

The layout of the tarot cards for May Maxim predicts that May will be a turning point for Ukraine. According to him, the last month of spring has prepared us a lot of serious tests. But at the same time, it will show the horizons of when this war will end.

“The victorious St. George’s ribbon will soon become a mourning ribbon for the Russians,” says Gordeev and pulls out the Ace Pentacle Tarot card. Symbolizing the sun and luck, it foreshadows a confident victory over enemies.

Will there be a nuclear explosion on May 5? As you know, the cult animated series “The Simpsons” inexplicably predicted many events of recent years. One of the most alarming predictions is May 5, 2022. Should we expect a nuclear explosion on this day?

Fortunately, the tarot card layout does not indicate this. But there are also negatives. The “Knight of Swords” map shows heavy fighting. And the Pentakli predict serious economic problems.

What awaits Russia on May 9?

In a situation with serious problems, Nine Wands indicates stubbornness, resistance to any situation or event. The same card also has the meaning of "last fight." Should we expect military action to end after May 9? Or will the stubbornness of the Russian government prevent this? As they say, wait and see.

What awaits Kiev?

GettyImages Maxim pulls out the Empress card. In Angela Pearl’s May forecast, she means that Taurus will feel comfortable all month long. And in relation to the capital of Ukraine, the map of fertility and power serves as a hint of the revival of Kiev to life after a long siege.

What awaits the regions of Ukraine? According to the layout of the Tarot cards, Maxim concludes that there is a serious danger of rocket attacks for the center of Ukraine. For most of the month, the situation will remain suspended. Ukrainians should remain vigilant and respond seriously to airborne alarms.

GettyImages Western Ukraine maps predict security and positive prospects. Therefore, for those who want to stay in Ukraine and not go anywhere, this region can become a safe haven.

GettyImages The situation in the south remains dire. This can be seen in the "Seven of Swords", which represents hostility and looting, and the "Knight of Swords", as a symbol of the continuation of hostilities. As for eastern Ukraine, the outlook is no less gloomy. The maps indicate a large number of shelling, mass evacuations and severe emotional shocks.

Of course, the interpretation of Tarot cards is very subjective. Therefore, to believe or not in the predictions of Maxim, it is up to you. But in any case, let us pray and hope that the long-awaited peace will come as soon as possible.

The article and the preview used photos.


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