Imposed beauty standards that no woman should care about in 2022 are long overdue
Many beautiful modern women They are willing to do anything to prolong their youth. They spend fabulous sums on cosmetics, visit beauticians and surgeons, resort to the strangest methods of getting rid of their own years. Some 5-6 years ago, the Internet really admired the perfect presses of models, as well as their incredible skin. Now the trends have changed.
Especially popular now has TikTok - a social network where people are not shy show off. There is no possibility to publish a static photo, where there will be a lot of effects and a million alterations of your own figure. Of course, in TikTok you can use filters, but even they can not distort reality beyond recognition.
The beautiful half of humanity has always tried to show itself in the best light. This is understandable, because who would want to be called a groomed girl. But modern fashion dictates uniqueness. Celebrities are not ashamed of their own problems. They publish photos where they do not hide cellulite, stretch marks, hair on their legs. And it's completely natural.
Nature is also considered natural. tummy at the ladies. Many consider it a flaw and constantly try to remove it. Disappear in the gym or exhaust themselves with food restrictions. In fact, women can not do without such a tummy, because its main goal is to protect the reproductive organs from any outside influence. Nature has thought through such details.
This can include any other features of our body. Undoubtedly, when you see girls with perfect skin, hair, body, in advertising or on the covers of magazines, it seems that you need to be like them. But that is far from the case. Now it is especially important to be yourself and not be afraid to show it to the world. Not a perfect nose? But it is unique, no one else has it. Grey? Normal. Thin lips? Very nice and aristocratic.
Of course. figure You do. But do not turn this into a thoughtless attempt to keep up with someone else’s dream. You should be comfortable in your own body and do not cling to processed images from the Internet. Every woman has to make herself happy. And if exhausting rejection of favorite treats do not bring any joy, then why all this?
Hollywood styles Many ladies tend to be similar Oscar-winning actresses or world-famous singers. They admire their perfect makeup, figure, facial features. But does everyone think about what it costs famous women such appearance? Are they some kind of robots and for them such appearance is the absolute norm?
It is important to remember that we are all human beings. Celebrities get paid to look good. Showing off your beautiful face or body is their job. Moreover, now the celebrities are at all They are not ashamed of their own problems.. So, the singer Demi Lovato published a photo where she stated that she no longer intends to hide her cellulite on her hips. Socialite Kim Kardashian has repeatedly mentioned skin problems, as has her sister, model Kendall Jenner.
Beautiful modern women conquer the world It is important to realize the main moment. A woman needs to understand what she really wants. For example, if thin lips prevent her from living a full life, then specialist Correcting this problem should not be a shame. The main thing is to find a qualified professional.
And, of course, beautiful modern women should make themselves happy. Do not wait for the weather from the sea, but do as the soul desires. On the pages of fashion magazines or on the Internet you can find many useful tips for charming ladies, but you need to be careful. Don’t let yourself be manipulated by learning to filter information. Act as your heart dictates. I truly believe it will tell you. path. And never forget that you are beautiful.

Especially popular now has TikTok - a social network where people are not shy show off. There is no possibility to publish a static photo, where there will be a lot of effects and a million alterations of your own figure. Of course, in TikTok you can use filters, but even they can not distort reality beyond recognition.
The beautiful half of humanity has always tried to show itself in the best light. This is understandable, because who would want to be called a groomed girl. But modern fashion dictates uniqueness. Celebrities are not ashamed of their own problems. They publish photos where they do not hide cellulite, stretch marks, hair on their legs. And it's completely natural.

Nature is also considered natural. tummy at the ladies. Many consider it a flaw and constantly try to remove it. Disappear in the gym or exhaust themselves with food restrictions. In fact, women can not do without such a tummy, because its main goal is to protect the reproductive organs from any outside influence. Nature has thought through such details.
This can include any other features of our body. Undoubtedly, when you see girls with perfect skin, hair, body, in advertising or on the covers of magazines, it seems that you need to be like them. But that is far from the case. Now it is especially important to be yourself and not be afraid to show it to the world. Not a perfect nose? But it is unique, no one else has it. Grey? Normal. Thin lips? Very nice and aristocratic.

Of course. figure You do. But do not turn this into a thoughtless attempt to keep up with someone else’s dream. You should be comfortable in your own body and do not cling to processed images from the Internet. Every woman has to make herself happy. And if exhausting rejection of favorite treats do not bring any joy, then why all this?

Hollywood styles Many ladies tend to be similar Oscar-winning actresses or world-famous singers. They admire their perfect makeup, figure, facial features. But does everyone think about what it costs famous women such appearance? Are they some kind of robots and for them such appearance is the absolute norm?
It is important to remember that we are all human beings. Celebrities get paid to look good. Showing off your beautiful face or body is their job. Moreover, now the celebrities are at all They are not ashamed of their own problems.. So, the singer Demi Lovato published a photo where she stated that she no longer intends to hide her cellulite on her hips. Socialite Kim Kardashian has repeatedly mentioned skin problems, as has her sister, model Kendall Jenner.

Beautiful modern women conquer the world It is important to realize the main moment. A woman needs to understand what she really wants. For example, if thin lips prevent her from living a full life, then specialist Correcting this problem should not be a shame. The main thing is to find a qualified professional.

And, of course, beautiful modern women should make themselves happy. Do not wait for the weather from the sea, but do as the soul desires. On the pages of fashion magazines or on the Internet you can find many useful tips for charming ladies, but you need to be careful. Don’t let yourself be manipulated by learning to filter information. Act as your heart dictates. I truly believe it will tell you. path. And never forget that you are beautiful.
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