An experienced builder revealed cases when you can not use mounting foam
Installation foam appeared on our market relatively recently. But the craftsmen have already managed to appreciate its convenience. And indeed, if before for sealing or thermal insulation had to spend a lot of effort, now enough one can and a few taps. However, each barrel of honey has its own spoonful of tar. Experienced builders call a number of conditions under which polyurethane foam sealant is rapidly destroyed and ceases to perform its functions. We will tell you how to use mounting foam and in which cases it is better not to use it.
There is a feature of mounting foam, about which not everyone knows. It consists in the fact that the installation foam is applied to wet surfaces. The process of hardening of the foam occurs at a humidity level of at least 40-50%. If it is smaller, the foam will not gain volume well.
Therefore, before applying it, it is necessary to moisten the surface from the spray gun. And even more, before applying the second layer of foam, the first is recommended to moisten. Do not forget that before starting work, the balloon must be vigorously shaken and heated to a temperature of 20 degrees (in winter). This increases the output of the material and improves its expansion.
Although foam is better applied to wet surfaces, she does not like rooms with high humidity, in which there is often a sharp change in temperature.
For example, baths, saunas, bathrooms, where constant exposure to humidity and high temperatures leads to the destruction of the foam, if it is not closed with plaster or sealant.
In combination with foam, when fixing the foam, many use universal mounting foam. This is undesirable, since it contains substances that are solvents and can destroy this insulating material.
To work with foam, it is better to choose a special foam that does not contain toluene.
A common situation: installers blew out the crevices around the plastic window with foam and left. Inside the apartment, the owners hid the foam under the plaster, and outside it remained, open to the wind, rain and sunlight.
Meanwhile, ultraviolet radiation is one of the factors under the influence of which the frozen foam will soon begin to break down, leading to heat loss. If the work was carried out on the street, the foam layer must be protected from sun exposure. To do this, putty or specialized swabs for foam are used.
It happens that the gaps between the pipe and the roof are sealed with universal mounting foam. With a strong heating of the chimney, such insulation will at best crumble, and at worst it can catch fire.
Like ultraviolet radiation, severe frosts lead to the destruction of frozen foam. To a certain extent in such a situation, a special winter foam helps. But remember, and it can not withstand prolonged exposure to temperatures below - 20 degrees.
After the end of the work, take care of cleaning clothes and tools from foam. First of all, wash the gun. After all, if the foam dries inside the tool, it will be almost impossible to clean it.

There is a feature of mounting foam, about which not everyone knows. It consists in the fact that the installation foam is applied to wet surfaces. The process of hardening of the foam occurs at a humidity level of at least 40-50%. If it is smaller, the foam will not gain volume well.
Therefore, before applying it, it is necessary to moisten the surface from the spray gun. And even more, before applying the second layer of foam, the first is recommended to moisten. Do not forget that before starting work, the balloon must be vigorously shaken and heated to a temperature of 20 degrees (in winter). This increases the output of the material and improves its expansion.
Although foam is better applied to wet surfaces, she does not like rooms with high humidity, in which there is often a sharp change in temperature.

For example, baths, saunas, bathrooms, where constant exposure to humidity and high temperatures leads to the destruction of the foam, if it is not closed with plaster or sealant.
In combination with foam, when fixing the foam, many use universal mounting foam. This is undesirable, since it contains substances that are solvents and can destroy this insulating material.

To work with foam, it is better to choose a special foam that does not contain toluene.
A common situation: installers blew out the crevices around the plastic window with foam and left. Inside the apartment, the owners hid the foam under the plaster, and outside it remained, open to the wind, rain and sunlight.

Meanwhile, ultraviolet radiation is one of the factors under the influence of which the frozen foam will soon begin to break down, leading to heat loss. If the work was carried out on the street, the foam layer must be protected from sun exposure. To do this, putty or specialized swabs for foam are used.
It happens that the gaps between the pipe and the roof are sealed with universal mounting foam. With a strong heating of the chimney, such insulation will at best crumble, and at worst it can catch fire.

Like ultraviolet radiation, severe frosts lead to the destruction of frozen foam. To a certain extent in such a situation, a special winter foam helps. But remember, and it can not withstand prolonged exposure to temperatures below - 20 degrees.

After the end of the work, take care of cleaning clothes and tools from foam. First of all, wash the gun. After all, if the foam dries inside the tool, it will be almost impossible to clean it.
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