Feel the difference: a relationship with a big age gap. That's why old people win!

Usually couples in which there is a large age difference between partners are poorly perceived by society, they say it is all about money, residence permit and other material goods. After all, what other interests can people have, the difference between which is about 15-30 years. It's that they have normal. sexIt doesn't fit in my head at all. Many people say that someone who is younger has someone else on the side anyway.

The French president’s wife is 24 years older than him. A friend of mine is dating a man who is 40 years older than her! Many people's jaws drop when they find out he's 63. They say that sex is such a thing that spoils not only with the years of a relationship, but also with age. Editorial "Site" I decided to see if that was true.

The age difference between a man and a woman is strange, but in 45-50 years the body is the same as in 25. And at an older age, you can maintain yourself in good shape: gyms, cosmetology, surgery in extreme cases.

If we talk about the character, then at this age a person is already mature, he does not have constant mood swings, he has already realized himself in this life and does not worry about the little things that can distract from making love.

In a couple where the partners big age difference, usually an older man. This is easily explained by the fact that men only get better over the years. Especially in the Scandinavian countries and North America. There, a man at 65 can look no more than 35. They understand their desires well, so they are looking for young companions without embarrassment.

But this is not always the case with Slavic men. Because the complexity of life in our countries is not very good for health and appearance.

But perhaps the most important thing is experience. A person has already tried a lot and knows exactly what he likes, and what is better not even to offer the other half. He already knows that, for example, on a table or beach, he does not like it, he can argue with rich experience and offer his partner a more interesting variation of poses and locations.

Also, a person knows all his erogenous zones, and intimacy really turns into pleasure, not a struggle for pleasant sensations. However, age is not always equal to experience.

Temperament and sexuality in people over 40 is no less than in young boys and girls. On the contrary, they get even more excited by the fact that they have a young partner. They are not ashamed of their fantasies and actions, which means that they can come off completely. In addition, with age, the quality of sexual intercourse is more important than the quantity. The second half will be given much more attention.

U mature There's another plus. Many young girls like the fact that their partners in the age just great exposure. They can enjoy love for several hours. All physiological changes and deficiencies can be easily corrected. The potency can be improved with tablets and herbs, and the lack of moisture in a woman with lubricants, which are sold even at the supermarket counter.

If the sexual difference is very small, then outside the bed it can be significant. You can have completely different interests and attitudes towards life. For example, you want a baby, and he's been through it a long time, and he may already have grandchildren. The chances of being widowed early increase significantly. This should be taken into account if you want a serious and long-term relationship.

Do you think the big age difference between lovers is a disadvantage or an advantage? Don’t forget to tell your friends on social media!


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