9 Nots That Will Make You a Good Parent That’s why you can’t hide when you smoke.
Often, parents, raising children and giving them advice on what to do and what not to do, forget about the main thing. And most importantly in the educational process – positive case.
Psychologists advise to start with yourself. Good parents have good children.
9 Nots That Will Make You the Best Mom and Dad
Love yourself and love your children. Talk to them, support them when you need to give them personal space. And most importantly, develop a common educational strategy with the other parent. Child rearing programme It must be agreed, so that it is not so that the father forbade, and the mother allowed. The role of a good and bad cop is irrelevant. Work together.
Previously edited "Site" Learn how to talk to a child without screaming.
If you have developed your own effective ways of raising a child, write about them in the comments, it will be useful for other parents to learn about someone else’s positive experience. Share these useful tips of psychologists with young moms and dads.
Psychologists advise to start with yourself. Good parents have good children.

9 Nots That Will Make You the Best Mom and Dad
- Don't give up on pleasure. Children feel the mood of their parents, they know what is on their soul without words, and immediately adopt their state. Therefore, twitchy parents have nervous children, and calm and balanced ones have peace-loving children. Be in a good mood.
Get enough sleep, even at the expense of some household chores. If relatives offer their help, accept it to make your life easier. Try at least sometimes to get out to the movies, concerts, exhibitions, change the situation and gain new impressions.
Find time to do what you love. Do not immerse yourself in routine, be able to enjoy life in any conditions and teach this to children by example. They will be happy to see happy parents with them.
DepositPhotos - Don't change your mind. Be firm and consistent in your decisions. When you give a word to a child, be sure to keep it. The same applies to prohibitions: if you have banned something once, it is for sure and forever. If your words do not conflict with your actions, you will earn the respect of the child.
DepositPhotos - Don't use violence. When you raise your hand to your child, you teach them to solve conflict situations from a position of strength. And it doesn’t matter if you decide to flogging or a simple “innocent” slap. The child will remember forever: the one who is older, higher, stronger, is right. And that's not really true.
DepositPhotos - Don't lie. If you need to go to the hospital with your child and get vaccinated, tell him about it honestly and directly: “You will get a shot, it may be a little unpleasant, but don’t worry, we will always be there.” If you have forgotten or failed to comply with your child’s request, just apologize. Don’t make up non-existent excuses. The child will feel false, and he will have an unpleasant residue.
DepositPhotos - Don't blackmail. Phrases such as “If you stop dabbling, I’ll buy you ice cream” or “If you don’t put the toys away, you won’t watch cartoons for a week” are manipulation, blackmail, training, they have nothing to do with healthy stimulation. It is necessary to be wise and patient, to find the time, the right words and to make the child fully motivated desire to do something.
DepositPhotos - Don't forbid it. Before announcing the ban, think about whether it is necessary. You should have a minimum set of prohibitions, otherwise the child will not accept them all.
A gas stove, sockets, unaccompanied walks is something that a baby can not deal with until a certain age. All the rest either hide or allow and relax. If a child has managed to get to your cosmetics or expensive gadgets, it is not his fault. And scolding him for it makes no sense.
DepositPhotos - Don't set a bad example. It is foolish to tell a child about the dangers of smoking, dragging cigarette smoke. Explanation: “I can because I am an adult” will not pass.
DepositPhotos - Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes. Adults are wrong, too. But only those who are aware of this and openly speak about the wrongdoing look worthy. This is the first step towards correction. If you shouted at the child in a fit of anger, and after cooling down, you realized that you were wrong, do not be afraid to admit it to him.
As a parent, you won’t lose credibility, but you will earn respect. The child will see that you are as alive as he is, able to stumble and then rise. His own mistakes will be a reason for self-improvement, not self-flagellation.
DepositPhotos - Don't be afraid to spoil. Childhood is a wonderful time that should be remembered forever. If you kiss a child again, hug him or give him a gift, you will not hurt him.
You have a clear line of conduct, you use modern parenting Do you follow the above rules? If so, then in all other moments you can treat your child.
Love yourself and love your children. Talk to them, support them when you need to give them personal space. And most importantly, develop a common educational strategy with the other parent. Child rearing programme It must be agreed, so that it is not so that the father forbade, and the mother allowed. The role of a good and bad cop is irrelevant. Work together.

Previously edited "Site" Learn how to talk to a child without screaming.
If you have developed your own effective ways of raising a child, write about them in the comments, it will be useful for other parents to learn about someone else’s positive experience. Share these useful tips of psychologists with young moms and dads.
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