Prayer for December: the strongest amulet from illness and adversity. Take a minute...
Each of us needs support. Whether you are a strong and confident man, or a fragile old woman, or a child in a period of doubt. Each of us hopes that in a difficult hour he will not be left alone with trouble, that he will not lose confidence and strength. What can warm the heart more than prayer?
This prayer - the strongest amulet from diseases and adversity. Miraculous lines will protect you and your house from all trouble. Be sure to read it!
Our Father, come through my house and take away all the sufferings and illnesses and please protect my family! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
According to the clergy, to live our body, it needs physical food. And that the soul may live, feed it with spiritual food. Prayer is the very food for the soul that helps to know the true meaning of existence.
Prayer is the life of a true believer. It's a test of human sincerity. Can you speak simple words that come from the bottom of your heart? If you can, the prayer will be heard.
Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon:
O Holy Martyr of Christ Tryphona, who is quick to help all who come to you and pray before your holy image, is quick to obey the leader! Hear now and for every hour the prayer of us, unworthy of your servants, who honor your holy memory.
Thou wretched servant of Christ, thou hast promised thyself, before thy departure from this life of corruption, to pray for us to the Lord; and thou hast asked this gift from him: if any man in need and sorrow of his calling shall begin thy holy name, let him be delivered from every excuse of evil.
And as sometimes you, the daughter of the tsar in Rome, hailed from the devil tormented you, you and us from his cruel intrigues, save all the days of our life, but in the day of the terrible last breath of our breath, appear for us, when the darkness of the eyes of evil devils will surround and frighten us.
Be a helper to us then, and a speedy persecutor of evil demons, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, now that you stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord that he may also make us partakers of the inherent joy and joy, that with you we may be rewarded with the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.
December is a special month. Be sure to share this miraculous prayer with good people, and the last month of the outgoing year will turn out exactly as you believe. God bless you and your home!

This prayer - the strongest amulet from diseases and adversity. Miraculous lines will protect you and your house from all trouble. Be sure to read it!
Our Father, come through my house and take away all the sufferings and illnesses and please protect my family! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
According to the clergy, to live our body, it needs physical food. And that the soul may live, feed it with spiritual food. Prayer is the very food for the soul that helps to know the true meaning of existence.

Prayer is the life of a true believer. It's a test of human sincerity. Can you speak simple words that come from the bottom of your heart? If you can, the prayer will be heard.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon:
O Holy Martyr of Christ Tryphona, who is quick to help all who come to you and pray before your holy image, is quick to obey the leader! Hear now and for every hour the prayer of us, unworthy of your servants, who honor your holy memory.

Thou wretched servant of Christ, thou hast promised thyself, before thy departure from this life of corruption, to pray for us to the Lord; and thou hast asked this gift from him: if any man in need and sorrow of his calling shall begin thy holy name, let him be delivered from every excuse of evil.

And as sometimes you, the daughter of the tsar in Rome, hailed from the devil tormented you, you and us from his cruel intrigues, save all the days of our life, but in the day of the terrible last breath of our breath, appear for us, when the darkness of the eyes of evil devils will surround and frighten us.

Be a helper to us then, and a speedy persecutor of evil demons, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, now that you stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord that he may also make us partakers of the inherent joy and joy, that with you we may be rewarded with the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.
December is a special month. Be sure to share this miraculous prayer with good people, and the last month of the outgoing year will turn out exactly as you believe. God bless you and your home!