What dresses to wear in autumn

I do not want to part with comfortable summer dresses. But even in inclement autumn weather, each of us can look 100%. This amazing collection. warm-dress It will help you get inspired to upgrade your basic warm wardrobe.

Autumn Dresses - 2018
  1. In 2017 knitted It became a self-contained trend. Many beauties are afraid to wear such things, thinking that they will fill up. These prejudices designers dispelled to dust, creating a collection of knitted dresses especially for slim women.


  2. Velvet captivated many couturiers last year. Nevertheless, at recent fashion shows, this material occurs with an enviable frequency: dresses are sewn from velvet, jewelry is made, shoes are decorated with them.

  3. Dresses made of wool, tweed and knitwear look very advantageous with autumn shoes or boots. Famous couturiers presented to our attention several models in the classic tweed range, as well as in bright shades.

  4. Dresses with a predatory print are not a sign of a tasteless image. At the peak of fashion, not only clothes with a natural animal color, but also bright unusual shades.

  5. Leather dresses don't leave the catwalks. Wearing such an outfit, it is important to know that it can not be combined with other accessories made of this material. The only exception is the shoes and bag.


What autumn dress did you like the most? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments!


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