Sri Shankar's Advice

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is an Indian guru and public figure, founder of the Art of Life international organization, goodwill ambassador and three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee (in 2004, 2006 and 2014).

He is known for his peacekeeping activities, which he has been conducting for more than 40 years and thanks to which he has won more than 30 top government awards and titles from different countries.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar In 1982, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was proposed Sudarshan Kriya Breathing technique that helps to improve the physical, mental and emotional state of a person.


According to the Master, practicing yoga to get rid of stress is only the first step. The second is to be healthy, the third to be happy, the fourth to experience unconditional love.


"Site" We offer you 7 life tips from a world-renowned guru that will fill you with positive energy, love and optimism.

  1. There's no rush.
    But you have to be where you feel good. If you feel that you are somewhere wrong, get up and go where the inner voice calls. Remember that to find, you don’t have to go anywhere. It's a very fine line, the key in constant presence.

  2. Do not try to control people and events.
    Don't plan, don't wait, don't covet, loosen your grip. Be able to endure a pause during which nothing happens. Let people come to you and things happen. They happen to you for a reason.

  3. Give yourself the freedom to be yourself and others to be different.
    Remember that Everyone's way and your lessons. If your paths cross, that's fine, but if they go apart, that's good, too, because it's always good.

  4. Don't try to have everything at once.
    Even when it seems that there is nothing, there is always something, and what is missing, the giving hand of a friend, brother, sister, a non-random passerby will reach out. Be moderate in everything.

  5. Meet with a smile, with the love of everyone and everything.
    But never say goodbye, because nothing is ever final. Say, “Thank you and see you again.”

  6. Be open to people, to space, to God.
    Believe me, everything in your life is the best for you. Even when it seems like there is nowhere worse, there is... You never know where you will find or where you will lose.

  7. Until you learn how to control the oars, it is useless to change the boat.
    How often in our lives there are times when we want to give up and start again! Everything happens, and sometimes it’s really better to let go of it, go back to zero and start over. But the problem is different. Quite often, changes in our lives occur under the influence of strong emotions. Sometimes it's good. And sometimes not. You can change your hair color, hairstyle, get a tattoo and put on something else, but you can not run away from yourself.

    Before you go back to zero and change the boat, think about it. Perhaps your problem can be solved without rushing to radically change your life? It's easier to erase than it looks. And it's much harder to keep going.


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