Can children sleep with their grandparents?

I spent most of my childhood with my grandmother. I remember sleeping with her for 5 years. First of all, it made me feel more comfortable, because my grandmother would have protected me from all the monsters that I thought were bound to come to me. Second, I loved telling my grandmother stories or asking her about something before going to bed.

This is how I spent my entire childhood. Psychologists say that children should not sleep with their grandparents. Editorial "Site" He says, how to sleep The child and with whom he will be better.

Let’s start with the purely practical side of the question. Children's doctors unanimously say that children should not sleep with grandparents and even parents. This is especially true for newborn babies. The fact is that an elderly person can not always control movement in a dream, and therefore there is a high probability of injuring a child.

In principle, this is the only contraindication from a physiological point of view. Now we need to talk about the psychological factors that can have an impact. It is believed that a child between one and four years old who constantly sleeps with his grandparents gets used to this care and unconsciously puts his grandmother first, not his mother.

Up to four years old, those scenarios are laid, according to which the child develops behavior and attitude to the world. Naturally, if a child falls asleep and wakes up with his grandmother, then it will be most attached to her. And this is not only true for young children, because it is after four years that strong emotional attachments begin to form.

School-age children should not sleep with the elderly. And we are not talking at all about overnight stays on weekends, this is always possible, we are talking about a regularly recurring situation. At this age, a bond between mother and child should be established. If in the first place will be the grandmother, then there is a high probability that in the future there will be problems in the relationship with the child.

It is important for parents to understand this, so that later they do not sigh perplexingly, complaining about a naughty child. Attached to grandmothers, children who have not established the right emotional connection with their parents may not learn well, do not obey adults. This is how difficult teenagers (including children) appear. Most often, this happens if the mother pays little attention to the child and he is constantly with his grandmother.

Psychologists say that children who sleep with their grandmother are more likely to grow up disobedient and spoiled. We all know that grandparents tend to indulge the whims of grandchildren, relegating all efforts of parents to the background. And if the child also sleeps with his grandmother, then you can forget about discipline altogether. Parents are losing their importance.

The child develops a clear understanding that the grandmother will protect him from anything, even from his mother. So the mother becomes an “evil cop” and loses first place in the child’s life. Parents need to think about whether they are really happy with this arrangement of things.

Psychologists are especially wary of those cases when the granddaughter sleeps with his grandfather, and the grandson with his grandmother. They believe that this unconsciously forms an emotional connection that can further affect the personal lives of children. Psychologists say that girls in the future can subconsciously look for a replacement grandfather, with whom it is safe and calm, and choose older men.

The same goes for boys who are used to sleeping with their grandmother. The subconscious is dependent on the woman. This boy will grow up with the attitude that a woman should be in charge. This leads to self-doubt and inability to make independent decisions. However, there are no exact statistics on this issue and nothing can be said for sure.

Although, according to the observations of psychologists, children who from 1 to 5 years sleep separately from their parents, grandparents, grow up to be more successful and purposeful. Such people are confident and rely on their opinion in any situation. In addition, these children are less likely to remain single in adulthood, they manage to build strong families.

There is another side of the question - the popular, or esoteric. It is believed that older people draw energy from sleeping nearby babies. They say that the older a person is, the more energy he absorbs. Although it is worth saying that there is no evidence of this, so you can safely attribute it to the category of superstitions and forget.

Let children communicate with grandparents, because this is an important point of upbringing, as well as pleasant memories of childhood. It was the best, happiest time for me. I still remember those midnight conversations with my grandmother and that irreplaceable sense of security. Is that so bad?

All this is quite contradictory, but ultimately it is up to parents. There are different situations, different children and different parents. Each family is so individual that there can be no universal advice. Only you know what is best for your child.

Earlier we wrote whether to leave the grandmother with the child. She's not the last person to be raised, but what are the catches?

We also talked about whether the child should sleep with his parents and whether it is safe.

In order for sleep to be complete, it is also necessary to observe its duration. We already told you how much sleep each age group needs to get enough sleep.

Do you let your child sleep with your grandparents? Tell us in the comments what you think about this.