What is the total cash in the world?
Interesting question. To name the exact amount of money in the world I can not reverse. However, the most reliable data available on the monetary aggregate M1. This term refers to the amount of cash in circulation, demand deposits, bank reserves and some other highly liquid forms of money. At the end of 2008 the size of the money supply was assessed at 18, 5 trillion. Three quarters of these funds accounted for four world currencies: the euro, the US dollar, the Japanese yen and the Chinese yuan. In principle, knowing the ratio between M1 and the volume is cash, it can be assumed that the "heap" will comprise 5-8 trillion. Why so few? You see, the blood of the global economy, have long been "fake" credit money, the form of cash derivatives. Crispy cash in this stream takes barely a tenth part.
On the bottle of wine, even quite expensive, it is worth the shelf life. What has changed?
If you're one of these bottles of wine, I can reassure you. Shelf life should write all manufacturers, as required by law. However, this does not mean that after the expiry of the wine will deteriorate. The fact is that putting on the bottle shelf life, the manufacturer gives you a guarantee, the provisions of the law, the fact that wine does not happen. And if no one spat in the bottle, before closing it out and send in the cellar, it can lie quietly under your bed. Of course, modern bottle of wine may lie decades in the cellar, if only to comply with all conditions of storage.
How to obtain the right to manage the icebreaker and if I can sail it to the Arctic?
For rights management icebreaker needed to complete the marine college, and then another additional training and training on the icebreaker. Only then will you be allowed to manage the huge ship. As a result, all in all will take about ten years. As for the Arctic, there are fewer problems: under current international law, it is divided between five states: the Arctic is divided into five sectors of responsibility between the United States, Russia, Norway, Canada and Denmark. Our country is entitled to a 320-mile economic zone, so if you go on a spree, do not forget to go to the "McDonald's" on American soil. By the way, even if you have unnecessary money to buy ice-breaker will not work: private possession is prohibited by law. So we'll have to build the ship.
Why people do not blush with fear?
Trying to conduct an experiment, intimidating familiar shower cap, they have to defend and some blushed with fear, and a minute later - paled. From fear people still blush, like many other feelings. It comes from the activation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. However, during a severe fright napochechniki pour adrenaline into the bloodstream, causing human skin is white. That's where these changes on the faces of my time experimental mice.
From jumping fans and resonance can collapse the stadium?
The stadium "Luzhniki" is allowed only Russian players and such experiments have not put. Yes, and why: the likelihood that the stadium collapse, tends to zero. Stadium - this is not a bridge that can be destroyed by resonance, if it will take place on the company of soldiers in the foot. Today, the stadiums are built of very durable material that can withstand the simultaneous movement of all the spectators. This happens at a hockey game when the fans start up a wave - cited as an example, I just had never been at a football game.
Why while talking on a cell often hear the echo of your own?
The cause lies in the echo structure of mobile phones. Some microphone and speaker are very close to each other, so when you say something the other party, your message is heard in the dynamics of his phone, which for some reason is set to high volume. On the other end of your speech, coming from the speaker enters the microphone, and comes back to you. Today, cellular companies have special means to deal with echo. Once the system comes crashing design flaws phones are felt.
In what color they see the world around colorblind?
Many believe that color-blind can not distinguish colors, but to think so - is an insult to the color blind! Most often, they simply reduced the perception of red or green. With full color blindness colorblind to red confuse this color with black or dark gray. Those that do not distinguish between green, often take it for light orange. If a person does not perceive blue and purple, the world he is in the dim, earthy tones, similar to the copy of the movie screen. There are those who see the world only in black and white, but, believe me, it is very small. Color blindness affects more men than women (seven per cent to two and a half). Many people find that they are color-blind, but their color perception by comparing with someone else.
Why are the stars blink?
Mayakovsky would suggest that it is necessary for someone. But in fact, everything is easier. Twinkling stars caused by the banal reason - heterogeneity of the air in the atmosphere. Starlight, before spilling into your miserable bachelor cell (or where you live there?), Passes through the different layers of the atmosphere. Somewhere in the air is more dense, somewhere discharged. The light rays passing through air jets are refracted differently, and as more air is always moving, shaking and the beam is bent. Hence the apparent flicker. If you go above the atmosphere, the light of the stars will not bend and they shine exactly like chandeliers. By the way, if you notice, after the rain, not only the stars twinkle and shimmer with rainbow colors. This is the light in the drops of water that saturates the atmosphere is decomposed into a spectrum.
Like cats and dogs appeared instinct to bury their poop?
It was a long time ago. Here, too, you do go to the toilet, not in the bedroom. They bury feces, or as you call them, shit, to smell its presence did not give the enemy (or game). On the border of his land animal, may, on the contrary, leave litter in sight to scare off an opponent or lure female. Behemoth, for example - out of place during the breeding season throws his feces via the tail. It is a pity that people have to invent more sophisticated ways of courtship.
Why when I eat with disposable spoons, they are white, and when ZhSU - black?
When you are at dinner a lighter to hold the spoon, trying to turn it into a fork, you only think you're her afloat in fact you just burn it. But melting at which plastic changes from a solid to a liquid state and acquires a new shape, occurs at higher temperatures but without direct fire. What are you watching - is an entirely different process, called combustion. In combustion emits water and coal. The water evaporates and the resulting coal is nothing to do but to settle on a spoon and painted it black.
If my girl will die from a multiple orgasm with me, I was sent to prison?
Since you still have the right to a lawyer, I decided to offer myself for the time to answer this question. There are three possible scenarios. If you can prove I did not want the death of the girl, the case will be closed for lack of evidence. But do not hurry to rejoice, and to post your profile on a dating site. If the court becomes aware that you were aware of girls' health problems and intentionally subjected her to exercise intolerance, it's a murder without otyagayuschih circumstances. Prove your guilt in this case will not be easy, but if you succeed, you'll get a long-term (up to two years) abstention. There is a third option. If you notice that your girlfriend became ill, but instead of helping, as usual, went to sleep, you can be sentenced under Article 125 of the Criminal Code (leaving in danger) and send to correctional work. In general, call the police. They will understand.
If you run into the gate with the ball between your chest and chin, this goal?
Is it in this position you can hold the ball? Personally, I would have included a goal. However, the judge can interpret this action as a dangerous player game or incorrect attitude to the opponent and to remove a player from the field. However, while the puzzled judge will decide what he should do, virtuoso certainly can hold the chin cup and get away with it.
Why the stomach does not digest itself?
All the matter in the protective functions. The mature cells of the gastric mucosa tend to exfoliate and peel off from the surface, and in their place are new. One minute in the stomach updated about half a million cells, and a completely new mucosa grows in three days. So, when the stomach is digesting a piece of negligence of the inner layer, it is immediately and restores itself. True, I warn that because of protracted hunger strikes and nerve overload the stomach can still begin to digest themselves. It is this process, rather, the result is called erosion.

Interesting question. To name the exact amount of money in the world I can not reverse. However, the most reliable data available on the monetary aggregate M1. This term refers to the amount of cash in circulation, demand deposits, bank reserves and some other highly liquid forms of money. At the end of 2008 the size of the money supply was assessed at 18, 5 trillion. Three quarters of these funds accounted for four world currencies: the euro, the US dollar, the Japanese yen and the Chinese yuan. In principle, knowing the ratio between M1 and the volume is cash, it can be assumed that the "heap" will comprise 5-8 trillion. Why so few? You see, the blood of the global economy, have long been "fake" credit money, the form of cash derivatives. Crispy cash in this stream takes barely a tenth part.
On the bottle of wine, even quite expensive, it is worth the shelf life. What has changed?

If you're one of these bottles of wine, I can reassure you. Shelf life should write all manufacturers, as required by law. However, this does not mean that after the expiry of the wine will deteriorate. The fact is that putting on the bottle shelf life, the manufacturer gives you a guarantee, the provisions of the law, the fact that wine does not happen. And if no one spat in the bottle, before closing it out and send in the cellar, it can lie quietly under your bed. Of course, modern bottle of wine may lie decades in the cellar, if only to comply with all conditions of storage.
How to obtain the right to manage the icebreaker and if I can sail it to the Arctic?

For rights management icebreaker needed to complete the marine college, and then another additional training and training on the icebreaker. Only then will you be allowed to manage the huge ship. As a result, all in all will take about ten years. As for the Arctic, there are fewer problems: under current international law, it is divided between five states: the Arctic is divided into five sectors of responsibility between the United States, Russia, Norway, Canada and Denmark. Our country is entitled to a 320-mile economic zone, so if you go on a spree, do not forget to go to the "McDonald's" on American soil. By the way, even if you have unnecessary money to buy ice-breaker will not work: private possession is prohibited by law. So we'll have to build the ship.
Why people do not blush with fear?

Trying to conduct an experiment, intimidating familiar shower cap, they have to defend and some blushed with fear, and a minute later - paled. From fear people still blush, like many other feelings. It comes from the activation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. However, during a severe fright napochechniki pour adrenaline into the bloodstream, causing human skin is white. That's where these changes on the faces of my time experimental mice.
From jumping fans and resonance can collapse the stadium?

The stadium "Luzhniki" is allowed only Russian players and such experiments have not put. Yes, and why: the likelihood that the stadium collapse, tends to zero. Stadium - this is not a bridge that can be destroyed by resonance, if it will take place on the company of soldiers in the foot. Today, the stadiums are built of very durable material that can withstand the simultaneous movement of all the spectators. This happens at a hockey game when the fans start up a wave - cited as an example, I just had never been at a football game.
Why while talking on a cell often hear the echo of your own?

The cause lies in the echo structure of mobile phones. Some microphone and speaker are very close to each other, so when you say something the other party, your message is heard in the dynamics of his phone, which for some reason is set to high volume. On the other end of your speech, coming from the speaker enters the microphone, and comes back to you. Today, cellular companies have special means to deal with echo. Once the system comes crashing design flaws phones are felt.
In what color they see the world around colorblind?

Many believe that color-blind can not distinguish colors, but to think so - is an insult to the color blind! Most often, they simply reduced the perception of red or green. With full color blindness colorblind to red confuse this color with black or dark gray. Those that do not distinguish between green, often take it for light orange. If a person does not perceive blue and purple, the world he is in the dim, earthy tones, similar to the copy of the movie screen. There are those who see the world only in black and white, but, believe me, it is very small. Color blindness affects more men than women (seven per cent to two and a half). Many people find that they are color-blind, but their color perception by comparing with someone else.
Why are the stars blink?

Mayakovsky would suggest that it is necessary for someone. But in fact, everything is easier. Twinkling stars caused by the banal reason - heterogeneity of the air in the atmosphere. Starlight, before spilling into your miserable bachelor cell (or where you live there?), Passes through the different layers of the atmosphere. Somewhere in the air is more dense, somewhere discharged. The light rays passing through air jets are refracted differently, and as more air is always moving, shaking and the beam is bent. Hence the apparent flicker. If you go above the atmosphere, the light of the stars will not bend and they shine exactly like chandeliers. By the way, if you notice, after the rain, not only the stars twinkle and shimmer with rainbow colors. This is the light in the drops of water that saturates the atmosphere is decomposed into a spectrum.
Like cats and dogs appeared instinct to bury their poop?

It was a long time ago. Here, too, you do go to the toilet, not in the bedroom. They bury feces, or as you call them, shit, to smell its presence did not give the enemy (or game). On the border of his land animal, may, on the contrary, leave litter in sight to scare off an opponent or lure female. Behemoth, for example - out of place during the breeding season throws his feces via the tail. It is a pity that people have to invent more sophisticated ways of courtship.
Why when I eat with disposable spoons, they are white, and when ZhSU - black?

When you are at dinner a lighter to hold the spoon, trying to turn it into a fork, you only think you're her afloat in fact you just burn it. But melting at which plastic changes from a solid to a liquid state and acquires a new shape, occurs at higher temperatures but without direct fire. What are you watching - is an entirely different process, called combustion. In combustion emits water and coal. The water evaporates and the resulting coal is nothing to do but to settle on a spoon and painted it black.
If my girl will die from a multiple orgasm with me, I was sent to prison?

Since you still have the right to a lawyer, I decided to offer myself for the time to answer this question. There are three possible scenarios. If you can prove I did not want the death of the girl, the case will be closed for lack of evidence. But do not hurry to rejoice, and to post your profile on a dating site. If the court becomes aware that you were aware of girls' health problems and intentionally subjected her to exercise intolerance, it's a murder without otyagayuschih circumstances. Prove your guilt in this case will not be easy, but if you succeed, you'll get a long-term (up to two years) abstention. There is a third option. If you notice that your girlfriend became ill, but instead of helping, as usual, went to sleep, you can be sentenced under Article 125 of the Criminal Code (leaving in danger) and send to correctional work. In general, call the police. They will understand.
If you run into the gate with the ball between your chest and chin, this goal?

Is it in this position you can hold the ball? Personally, I would have included a goal. However, the judge can interpret this action as a dangerous player game or incorrect attitude to the opponent and to remove a player from the field. However, while the puzzled judge will decide what he should do, virtuoso certainly can hold the chin cup and get away with it.
Why the stomach does not digest itself?

All the matter in the protective functions. The mature cells of the gastric mucosa tend to exfoliate and peel off from the surface, and in their place are new. One minute in the stomach updated about half a million cells, and a completely new mucosa grows in three days. So, when the stomach is digesting a piece of negligence of the inner layer, it is immediately and restores itself. True, I warn that because of protracted hunger strikes and nerve overload the stomach can still begin to digest themselves. It is this process, rather, the result is called erosion.