I've already put my plot in order, I'm going to work near the house of the neighbor.

Avid summer residents and gardeners with the arrival of the first spring rays of the sun are interested, flattenIn the summer, you should not be ashamed of your friends and neighbors. So that the barbecue was prepared more fun, and the eyes had something to admire during its use.

Well, you can go the easiest way: call landscape designers who come up with very good ideas. Hire workers and set clear tasks for them: what to build, what plants to plant, and so on. But you can do all this work with your own hands. After all, as the classics said, work in the open air and your land can even inspire.

To understand the whole process, we wanted to divide it into a few simple steps. And what of all described is suitable for you, you can perfectly choose on your own. Here we go.

A good lawn is a great base for any site. Carefully cut grass at the same time pacifies and inspires new feats. If the plot is tiny, you can stop on the lawn. To achieve the desired result, we advise to follow a few clear steps. Namely:

  1. buy only high-quality planting material;
  2. beautifully treat the edges of the lawn to avoid comparison with ordinary grass;
  3. keep track of the lawn.
  4. Do not forget about the timely feeding of the green carpet and its watering.

If the hands grow on the right side, you can give the lawn a special shape and an interesting appearance, like on a football field. On the Internet you will find a lot of information on this topic.

For those who do not have enough only beautifully decorated grass in the summer cottage, we suggest to supplement the territory with garden paths. Their appearance, as well as the material from which they will be made, can be diverse. So, the following materials are perfect: concrete, flat stone, wooden saws, brick and stone chips. Some handmade fans even use tin water bottle caps and sea pebbles.

In addition, you can create a track using a stencil. You just need to pour the material you like into the forms and already cast the plates from it. They can imitate natural stone or just look beautiful against the background of the rest of the site. It remains only to collect plates in one roadway.

Flowers and flower beds move on to more chic ideas. The flowers on the site are beautiful. No, wait, don't wrinkle. Many urban residents associate flower beds with a tiny piece of land, or even a concrete “bucket”, in which wrappers from chocolates, garbage and cigarette butts grow. Sometimes, if mass festivities are planned in the city, several types of familiar flowers are planted in flower beds, from which there can be only one reaction - yawning.

At your cottage you can plant a variety of flowering plants of the entire palette of colors. Yes, they also spread such a wonderful aroma that it seems that you are in some fabulous country, and not nine kilometers from your hometown. You can also arrange flowerbeds in different ways: around the site, in the middle, using various items such as an old log or even an unnecessary wheelbarrow, without rusting in the barn all this time.

Such a structure looks simply chic and, at least in our latitudes, is associated with a rich life. In fact, a small pond is a matter of several days of work, if you know what to do. In the store, special plastic forms are purchased or a concrete base is poured, you can even with your own hands. The cup for such a reservoir will serve as an old bath.

To make the mini-pool look organic, you need to pay special attention to the details: suitable plants and lighting will turn an ordinary hole in the ground with a bath at the bottom into a beautiful small pond. Caring for it is not at all difficult, it can rather be attributed to meditation. In a special store you can find specific types of fish that can even survive the winter in your pond. Just feed them on time and from time to time be interested in the quality of the water. But the pleasure of the appearance you will get the whole car.

If the size of the plot allows and you want to decorate it with some small thing, you can do decoration: throw ceramic gnomes on the grass, put a beautiful sculpture. A good fence will also improve the appearance. The fantasy can stop, in fact, only because of a wallet or lack of time. Try it, and you will be able to turn a dull piece of land into something beautiful!


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