What is the date of the Red Hill in 2021 and whether to go to the churchyard on this day?
Every year, a week after Easter, Orthodox believers celebrate the Red Hill. This is what people call the church holiday Antipascha. That doesn't mean it's a bad day. Rather, it should be seen as “instead of Easter.” Today's edition. "Site" will tell What is the date of the Red Hill in 2021? and what to do on that day.
What is the date of the Red Hill in 2021 This year Anti-Easter is celebrated May 9. In church tradition, this day is dedicated to the remembrance of the appearance of Christ to the Apostle Thomas. Therefore, the holiday is also called Fomin Sunday. This day is also important for those who are going to marry, because from this Sunday the sacrament of the wedding resumes.
In ancient Russia, this holiday was associated with the arrival of spring. It was on this day that the most weddings took place, magnificent festivities and celebrations were arranged. The red slide symbolizes spring and the renewal of nature. For many centuries, this day is the most popular time for weddings. It is said that the strongest families are created on this day.
In the Orthodox tradition, this holiday has changed a little. On this day, we go to the village and visit our departed relatives. It is not accepted in church tradition, but the popular calendar of commemoration is different from the Christian one. The priests say that it is possible to remember the dead on this day.
There are no special bans on Antipascha. The most important thing is to devote this day to prayer. After that, of course, you can do other things, but they should not replace prayer. The priests recommend visiting the temple as well, but this year it may be difficult. If you feel unwell or have any symptoms, it is best to stay home.
It's the same with the parish. It is customary for us on this day to go to the resting places of our loved ones, carry food, drinks and dyed eggs to the graves. But again, it may not be safe due to the epidemic. It is best to stay at home, pray for the departed, and take the cake and eggs to the grave on another day.
St. John Chrysostom said that deceased relatives should be helped with our prayers and alms instead of bitter sobs. Prayer is the most important thing to do for those who have passed away. So remember all your loved ones and pray for the soul of each of them. Remember, home prayer is no less effective. With it, we approach the people we care about, no matter where we are.
Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of eternal life, your dead servant (your) (your name), and as the Good and the lover of mankind, who forgives sins and iniquities, let go and forgive all his free sins and involuntary sins, save him from the eternal torments and fire of Gehenna, and grant him (her) communion and enjoyment of your eternal blessings, prepared for those who love You, for he did not, even from his own Trinity, and confessed to the Holy One God.
Even if you do not come to visit the cemetery on the Red Hill in 2021, do not worry. Even home prayer will help you to calm your soul, and the deceased will find peace in heaven. Do not grieve for the departed, it is better to remember all the good that is associated with them. Have a great holiday!

What is the date of the Red Hill in 2021 This year Anti-Easter is celebrated May 9. In church tradition, this day is dedicated to the remembrance of the appearance of Christ to the Apostle Thomas. Therefore, the holiday is also called Fomin Sunday. This day is also important for those who are going to marry, because from this Sunday the sacrament of the wedding resumes.

In ancient Russia, this holiday was associated with the arrival of spring. It was on this day that the most weddings took place, magnificent festivities and celebrations were arranged. The red slide symbolizes spring and the renewal of nature. For many centuries, this day is the most popular time for weddings. It is said that the strongest families are created on this day.

In the Orthodox tradition, this holiday has changed a little. On this day, we go to the village and visit our departed relatives. It is not accepted in church tradition, but the popular calendar of commemoration is different from the Christian one. The priests say that it is possible to remember the dead on this day.
There are no special bans on Antipascha. The most important thing is to devote this day to prayer. After that, of course, you can do other things, but they should not replace prayer. The priests recommend visiting the temple as well, but this year it may be difficult. If you feel unwell or have any symptoms, it is best to stay home.

It's the same with the parish. It is customary for us on this day to go to the resting places of our loved ones, carry food, drinks and dyed eggs to the graves. But again, it may not be safe due to the epidemic. It is best to stay at home, pray for the departed, and take the cake and eggs to the grave on another day.

St. John Chrysostom said that deceased relatives should be helped with our prayers and alms instead of bitter sobs. Prayer is the most important thing to do for those who have passed away. So remember all your loved ones and pray for the soul of each of them. Remember, home prayer is no less effective. With it, we approach the people we care about, no matter where we are.

Remember, O Lord our God, in the faith and hope of eternal life, your dead servant (your) (your name), and as the Good and the lover of mankind, who forgives sins and iniquities, let go and forgive all his free sins and involuntary sins, save him from the eternal torments and fire of Gehenna, and grant him (her) communion and enjoyment of your eternal blessings, prepared for those who love You, for he did not, even from his own Trinity, and confessed to the Holy One God.

Even if you do not come to visit the cemetery on the Red Hill in 2021, do not worry. Even home prayer will help you to calm your soul, and the deceased will find peace in heaven. Do not grieve for the departed, it is better to remember all the good that is associated with them. Have a great holiday!
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