Why are young people so sad and can’t have fun?

People born in the '50s and '60s are often dissatisfied with today's young people. Like, before it was necessary to work without rest, and now there are plenty of slackers who do not know anything and are constantly in some kind of depression. How is it that the modern generation Does he not know how to enjoy life, although it would seem that he has many reasons for this joy?

There really is a generational difference. And that for some the happiness of labor on a piece of native land, for others hard labor and exorbitant labor. On the other hand, older people also do not understand how it is to get tired of working in the office, not tossing bags. The truth must be somewhere in the middle.

Youth generation "Site" I would like to pay a little attention to the possible causes of such behavior among young people. Perhaps this collection will put everything in its place.


If earlier, young people constantly saw the sky and heard the singing of birds, now such ordinary things seem to replace gadgets. Headphones in the ears and a look at the screen of a mobile phone are commonplace. Just think, but before a beautiful sunset could inspire romantics to create a picture or poems.

Travelling Yes, this has been tight lately. Borders closed because of the pandemic. But even before, young people liked to spend money on traveling with friends or their soul mate. But the rhythm of life has accelerated and in order to get around all the right places, take a picture of what you like, write about it in social networks, you need to spend a huge amount of time and effort. Rest turns into a real job in the fresh air.


In the modern world, young parents have a lot of new responsibilities. Vacuum cleaners, washing machines and dishwashers seem to simplify the work, but not everyone has them. But there is a house chat, chat for parents of kindergarteners or schoolchildren, constant information bombing. Physically, it may not be that difficult. But it's pretty exhausting, that's for sure.

It would seem positive news: the choice in the store and on the screen has become more. Now you can buy everything you could not think about before, and see everything you want. But now you need to search the Internet, which sausage is better and why bread has risen in price. And every year more and more time and nerves are spent searching for some good movie.


Earlier, when even a small coin for a payphone could not be in your pocket, we went to friends on foot. Sometimes even across town. There was excitement and it felt like the person was getting closer to you. And now you write someone a couple of lines on the Internet, and the person is even lazy to answer your message. Put a smiley face on, and thank you.


Before, when the whole family gathered together in the evening, it was a real holiday. The house was a real fortress and a place where fatigue went away. We can say that everyone has been waiting for this moment. Today, when there are many professions with remote work, the house has become a second workplace. And people in it turned, if not into cellmates, then almost into colleagues or roommates.


Reading an interesting detective or romance novel? What nonsense! There's no time for that. Why do you need fiction when the Internet is full of books that develop this or that skill? There, by the way, you can see a huge number of students who are already financially more successful than you. So download those courses over there and sit there while you have time. Maybe you'll make something out of you...

From the editor, these are pies. Young people also face challenges that can only be understood if they are constantly in their world. And you also need to remember to allocate time for the gym, because modern food and sedentary work lead to unnecessary folds on the body. A modern young man must be slim and fit.


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