In what handkerchief to go to church on the Trinity, and in what can not
There are only 3 days left until Holy Trinity Day. The soul freezes in anticipation of the festive service, and in thoughts dozens of questions about how to better prepare. How to decorate the house, what prayers to read and what scarf to wear in the church?
We have already written about what prayers to say on the Trinity. And a summary of the rules about what should not be done on the Trinity pious hostess, also managed to publish.
We’ll tell you all about handkerchiefs right now!
Particularly attentive parishioners probably managed to notice that on certain holidays the color variety of their sisters’ headscarves is replaced by the predominance of one particular shade. This is happening for a reason.
Experienced worshippers know that the color of the headdress is of great importance.
For example, white It implies the union of all the colors of the rainbow and is a symbol of the Divine Light. Therefore, snow-white scarves are taken to wear on especially solemn days. For example, Christmas and the feast of the Transfiguration of God.
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A post shared by Olga Ustinova (@tatiana_olgaustinova)
Sky blue scarves It is customary to wear on the feasts of the Most Holy Mother of God. They are also suitable for participation in christening.
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A post shared by PALANTINES KAZAN (@jamilastyle_platki)
Regarding redAccording to church symbolism, it denotes God’s love for the human race. Scarves of this color are worn for the feast of Ascension.
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A post shared by BYLINKA GALLERY (@bylinka_gallery)
But the green color throughout the world is the personification of such concepts as life, faith and harmony. So, handkerchief Ideal for attending a service in honor of the Holy Trinity.
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A post shared by Cover Workshop (@pokrovmaster)
Yellow as well. golden They symbolize greatness and grace. Priests dress in golden robes for services in honor of the apostles, prophets and hierarchs. On the same days, parishioners should wear headscarves of appropriate shades.
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A post shared by Turban/Girls/Rims (@albin_turbans)
Well, finally. black. First of all, it is a symbol of repentance and renunciation of worldly vanity. That is why it is customary to cover your head with a black scarf during Lent and in days of mourning.
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A post shared by Baptismal setен Wedding (@krestim_detok)
Finally, I would like to say a few words about appropriate dresses for the church. Many women even at festive services prefer to dress as modestly as possible in order to show their piousness.
Wearing beautiful clothes is not a sin. On the contrary, wearing an elegant dress in the temple, a woman demonstrates her joy from the onset of a bright holiday.
Of course, you should not confuse service with a party and be too zealous in dress. In too tight or, conversely, lush clothes still should not be put on. But wear a light linen dress below the knees or a pretty calico sarafan (provided that the shoulders are covered with a scarf), as they say, God himself ordered.
Have you decided what to wear for Sunday service?
We have already written about what prayers to say on the Trinity. And a summary of the rules about what should not be done on the Trinity pious hostess, also managed to publish.
We’ll tell you all about handkerchiefs right now!
Particularly attentive parishioners probably managed to notice that on certain holidays the color variety of their sisters’ headscarves is replaced by the predominance of one particular shade. This is happening for a reason.
Experienced worshippers know that the color of the headdress is of great importance.
For example, white It implies the union of all the colors of the rainbow and is a symbol of the Divine Light. Therefore, snow-white scarves are taken to wear on especially solemn days. For example, Christmas and the feast of the Transfiguration of God.
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A post shared by Olga Ustinova (@tatiana_olgaustinova)
Sky blue scarves It is customary to wear on the feasts of the Most Holy Mother of God. They are also suitable for participation in christening.
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A post shared by PALANTINES KAZAN (@jamilastyle_platki)
Regarding redAccording to church symbolism, it denotes God’s love for the human race. Scarves of this color are worn for the feast of Ascension.
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A post shared by BYLINKA GALLERY (@bylinka_gallery)
But the green color throughout the world is the personification of such concepts as life, faith and harmony. So, handkerchief Ideal for attending a service in honor of the Holy Trinity.
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A post shared by Cover Workshop (@pokrovmaster)
Yellow as well. golden They symbolize greatness and grace. Priests dress in golden robes for services in honor of the apostles, prophets and hierarchs. On the same days, parishioners should wear headscarves of appropriate shades.
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A post shared by Turban/Girls/Rims (@albin_turbans)
Well, finally. black. First of all, it is a symbol of repentance and renunciation of worldly vanity. That is why it is customary to cover your head with a black scarf during Lent and in days of mourning.
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A post shared by Baptismal setен Wedding (@krestim_detok)
Finally, I would like to say a few words about appropriate dresses for the church. Many women even at festive services prefer to dress as modestly as possible in order to show their piousness.
Wearing beautiful clothes is not a sin. On the contrary, wearing an elegant dress in the temple, a woman demonstrates her joy from the onset of a bright holiday.
Of course, you should not confuse service with a party and be too zealous in dress. In too tight or, conversely, lush clothes still should not be put on. But wear a light linen dress below the knees or a pretty calico sarafan (provided that the shoulders are covered with a scarf), as they say, God himself ordered.
Have you decided what to wear for Sunday service?
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