Forbade my husband to give me flowers, in the flower room I learned that roses are sold on matches, and tulips are dyed.
Soon beautiful nymphs will feel increased attention: congratulations, flowers, candy. March 8th is coming. What does the holiday really mean and what ideas led to it? How will be celebrated in 2021 International Women's Day? All the answers are here. At the end of the article you will find the bitter truth about flower markets and a couple of ideas of non-banal gifts.
© Freepik International Women's Day Since Soviet times, we have had holidays on February 23 and March 8. That the first, that the second greatly departed from its original essence. In the case of International Women's Day It all came down to giving females a gift, and, for example, to organize breakfast in bed. Oh, yeah, it's a day off.
© Freepik But where did this women's holiday come from? Let's dive into history for a moment.
To begin with, The date was coined by the Socialist movement.. More than 100 years ago, in 1909, women took to the streets of New York, demanding equal pay and the right to vote for the first time. A year after this event, socialists in Germany came to the conclusion that A holiday that promotes equality.
Before Russia the idea of the holiday came in 1913. In those days, International Women’s Day was not associated with spring and tenderness, it was not so peaceful. Demonstrations and rallies erupted in the streets.
In 1917, on February 23 old style and March 8 new, there was a strike of textile workers. It triggered a wave of protests and then the February Revolution. Until the 70s, March 8 was closely associated with independence and women's rights.
GettyImages In 100+ years, the world has changed a lot, and many have forgotten what it is feast. Moreover, women have finally achieved equality and no longer need demonstrations. Moreover, in some countries, there is talk of discrimination against men!
Although the modern way of celebrating International Women’s Day is much more pleasant, history should not be forgotten. Rejoicing at the gifted tulips and men’s attention, you need to pay tribute to those women who once diligently worked hard. They fought for the rights of all sisters, daughters, mothers and grandmothers..
© Freepik How to Celebrate International Women's Day In 2021, like last year, social events and hiking are not the safest ideas. It is better to be satisfied with walking in the fresh air, weather permitting, or resting at home, with the family.
A little advice for men: If you want to surprise a woman, prepare a dinner for the whole family or for two. Believe me, many beauties will like this approach more than the standard option with a restaurant. You can make a cake, for example. Such a woman will certainly be delighted!
Gifts and flowers Bouquet and a box of candy are unlikely to surprise a modern lady. Nice, of course, but a little corny. Also, you should not choose any pans with pans as a gift for March 8. A woman may take this as a bad hint. Speaking of bouquets. Ahead of the holidays Flower sellers often deceive buyers.. And this is how they do it.
Well, you should be careful and not limited to only flowers and things. Impressive This is a truly unorthodox approach. Here is a short list of things that can please modern women:
© Freepik Show imagination, but do not forget to take into account the preferences and hobbies of the lady to successfully choose a gift. And remember, above all presents, words of sincere gratitude. A woman will be pleased to hear that you appreciate her care and effort.
But this does not mean that there is no place for pleasant surprises and affectionate words on other days. Let us please and thank our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, wives, beloved ladies and girlfriends, regardless of the date on the calendar.
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© Freepik International Women's Day Since Soviet times, we have had holidays on February 23 and March 8. That the first, that the second greatly departed from its original essence. In the case of International Women's Day It all came down to giving females a gift, and, for example, to organize breakfast in bed. Oh, yeah, it's a day off.

© Freepik But where did this women's holiday come from? Let's dive into history for a moment.
To begin with, The date was coined by the Socialist movement.. More than 100 years ago, in 1909, women took to the streets of New York, demanding equal pay and the right to vote for the first time. A year after this event, socialists in Germany came to the conclusion that A holiday that promotes equality.

Before Russia the idea of the holiday came in 1913. In those days, International Women’s Day was not associated with spring and tenderness, it was not so peaceful. Demonstrations and rallies erupted in the streets.
In 1917, on February 23 old style and March 8 new, there was a strike of textile workers. It triggered a wave of protests and then the February Revolution. Until the 70s, March 8 was closely associated with independence and women's rights.

GettyImages In 100+ years, the world has changed a lot, and many have forgotten what it is feast. Moreover, women have finally achieved equality and no longer need demonstrations. Moreover, in some countries, there is talk of discrimination against men!
Although the modern way of celebrating International Women’s Day is much more pleasant, history should not be forgotten. Rejoicing at the gifted tulips and men’s attention, you need to pay tribute to those women who once diligently worked hard. They fought for the rights of all sisters, daughters, mothers and grandmothers..

© Freepik How to Celebrate International Women's Day In 2021, like last year, social events and hiking are not the safest ideas. It is better to be satisfied with walking in the fresh air, weather permitting, or resting at home, with the family.
A little advice for men: If you want to surprise a woman, prepare a dinner for the whole family or for two. Believe me, many beauties will like this approach more than the standard option with a restaurant. You can make a cake, for example. Such a woman will certainly be delighted!

Gifts and flowers Bouquet and a box of candy are unlikely to surprise a modern lady. Nice, of course, but a little corny. Also, you should not choose any pans with pans as a gift for March 8. A woman may take this as a bad hint. Speaking of bouquets. Ahead of the holidays Flower sellers often deceive buyers.. And this is how they do it.
- For example, Compositions in baskets are made from broken flowers. Often, instead of a porous base, foam is used, so that the bouquet can wither on the way home.
- It happens that broken buds are attached to the stem with glue, matches or tape, and then wrap each flower with paper to disguise. In general, in ready-made packaged compositions, broken flowers are often slipped. It is better to ask to collect a bouquet with you, so as not to buy waste.
© Freepik - Shines on petals are not decoration, but a method hide. Bouquets with different tinsel should be alarming: thus, our attention is distracted from low-quality flowers.
- Unnatural buds - the result of tinting. Often these bouquets emit a synthetic smell or do not smell at all.
- We do not recommend buying flowers in the markets. They may be frozen and at home. will quickly lose its presentation.
Well, you should be careful and not limited to only flowers and things. Impressive This is a truly unorthodox approach. Here is a short list of things that can please modern women:
- Certificate in spa or Thai massage
- Horse riding
- Certificate for individual tailoring dresses
- Balloon flight
- Wine and cheese tasting
- Certificate for photo session
- Master class in painting
- Beauty treatment complex
- Yoga or dance course

© Freepik Show imagination, but do not forget to take into account the preferences and hobbies of the lady to successfully choose a gift. And remember, above all presents, words of sincere gratitude. A woman will be pleased to hear that you appreciate her care and effort.
But this does not mean that there is no place for pleasant surprises and affectionate words on other days. Let us please and thank our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, wives, beloved ladies and girlfriends, regardless of the date on the calendar.
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Cookies without flour, which I bake if covered by nostalgia for Italy